Prof. Frank Stienkemeier
Prof. Frank Stienkemeier
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Spectroscopy and dynamics in helium nanodroplets
F Stienkemeier, KK Lehmann
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39 (8), R127, 2006
Electronic spectroscopy in He droplets
F Stienkemeier, AF Vilesov
The Journal of Chemical Physics 115 (22), 10119-10137, 2001
Coherent control with a short-wavelength free-electron laser
KC Prince, E Allaria, C Callegari, R Cucini, G De Ninno, S Di Mitri, ...
Nature Photonics 10 (3), 176-179, 2016
Spectroscopy of alkali atoms (Li, Na, K) attached to large helium clusters
F Stienkemeier, J Higgins, C Callegari, SI Kanorsky, WE Ernst, G Scoles
Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 38, 253-263, 1996
Laser spectroscopy of alkali-doped helium clusters
F Stienkemeier, J Higgins, WE Ernst, G Scoles
Physical review letters 74 (18), 3592, 1995
Formation and properties of metal clusters isolated in helium droplets
J Tiggesbäumker, F Stienkemeier
Physical chemistry chemical physics 9 (34), 4748-4770, 2007
Helium cluster isolation spectroscopy of alkali dimers in the triplet manifold
J Higgins, C Callegari, J Reho, F Stienkemeier, WE Ernst, M Gutowski, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102 (26), 4952-4965, 1998
Photoinduced chemical dynamics of high-spin alkali trimers
J Higgins, C Callegari, J Reho, F Stienkemeier, WE Ernst, KK Lehmann, ...
Science 273 (5275), 629-631, 1996
Steric effects in the state specific reaction Li+HF (v=1, j=1, m=0)→LiF+H
HJ Loesch, F Stienkemeier
The Journal of chemical physics 98 (12), 9570-9584, 1993
Photoionisaton of pure and doped helium nanodroplets
M Mudrich, F Stienkemeier
International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 33 (3), 301-339, 2014
On the use of liquid helium cluster beams for the preparation and spectroscopy of the triplet states of alkali dimers and other weakly bound complexes
F Stienkemeier, WE Ernst, J Higgins, G Scoles
The Journal of chemical physics 102 (1), 615-617, 1995
A modular end-station for atomic, molecular, and cluster science at the low density matter beamline of FERMI@ Elettra
V Lyamayev, Y Ovcharenko, R Katzy, M Devetta, L Bruder, A LaForge, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46 (16), 164007, 2013
Alkaline earth metals (Ca, Sr) attached to liquid helium droplets: Inside or out?
F Stienkemeier, F Meier, HO Lutz
The Journal of chemical physics 107 (24), 10816-10818, 1997
Unraveling the absorption spectra of alkali metal atoms attached to helium nanodroplets
O Bünermann, G Droppelmann, A Hernando, R Mayol, F Stienkemeier
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111 (49), 12684-12694, 2007
Formation of Exciplexes on the Surface of Helium Nanodroplets Studied in Real Time
CP Schulz, P Claas, F Stienkemeier
Physical Review Letters 87 (15), 153401, 2001
Novel collective autoionization process observed in electron spectra of He clusters
Y Ovcharenko, V Lyamayev, R Katzy, M Devetta, A LaForge, P O’Keeffe, ...
Physical review letters 112 (7), 073401, 2014
Molecular versus excitonic transitions in PTCDA dimers and oligomers studied by helium nanodroplet isolation spectroscopy
M Wewer, F Stienkemeier
Physical Review B 67 (12), 125201, 2003
Determining the polarization state of an extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser beam using atomic circular dichroism
T Mazza, M Ilchen, AJ Rafipoor, C Callegari, P Finetti, O Plekan, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3648, 2014
Real-time observation of water radiolysis and hydrated electron formation induced by extreme-ultraviolet pulses
V Svoboda, R Michiels, AC LaForge, F Stienkemeier, P Slavíček, ...
Science advances 6 (3), eaaz0385, 2020
Spectroscopy of alkali atoms and molecules attached to liquid He clusters
F Stienkemeier, J Higgins, WE Ernst, G Scoles
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 98, 413-416, 1995
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