Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Siddharth DalmiaWeitere Informationen
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Branchformer: Parallel mlp-attention architectures to capture local and global context for speech recognition and understanding
Y Peng, S Dalmia, I Lane, S Watanabe
ICML 2022, 17627-17643, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Epitran: Precision G2P for Many Languages
DR Mortensen, S Dalmia, P Littell
LREC 2018, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Defense, US Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Universal phone recognition with a multilingual allophone system
X Li, S Dalmia, J Li, M Lee, P Littell, J Yao, A Anastasopoulos, ...
ICASSP 2020, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Sequence-based Multi-lingual Low Resource Speech Recognition
S Dalmia, R Sanabria, F Metze, AW Black
ICASSP 2018, 2018
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Espnet-slu: Advancing spoken language understanding through espnet
S Arora, S Dalmia, P Denisov, X Chang, Y Ueda, Y Peng, Y Zhang, ...
ICASSP 2022, 7167-7171, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Towards Zero-shot Learning for Automatic Phonemic Transcription
X Li, S Dalmia, DR Mortensen, J Li, AW Black, F Metze
AAAI 2020, 2020
Mandate: US Department of Defense
A Study on the Integration of Pre-trained SSL, ASR, LM and SLU Models for Spoken Language Understanding
Y Peng, S Arora, Y Higuchi, Y Ueda, S Kumar, K Ganesan, S Dalmia, ...
SLT 2022, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Domain Robust Feature Extraction for Rapid Low Resource ASR Development
S Dalmia, X Li, F Metze, AW Black
SLT 2018, 2018
Mandate: US Department of Defense
Fast-MD: Fast Multi-Decoder End-to-End Speech Translation with Non-Autoregressive Hidden Intermediates
H Inaguma, S Dalmia, B Yan, S Watanabe
ASRU 2021, 2021
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Highland Puebla Nahuatl Speech Translation Corpus for Endangered Language Documentation
J Shi, JD Amith, X Chang, S Dalmia, B Yan, S Watanabe
AmericasNLP 2021, 53-63, 2021
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
CMU’s IWSLT 2022 Dialect Speech Translation System
B Yan, P Fernandes, S Dalmia, J Shi, Y Peng, D Berrebbi, X Wang, ...
IWSLT 2022, 298-307, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Phoneme Level Language Models for Sequence Based Low Resource ASR
S Dalmia, X Li, AW Black, F Metze
ICASSP 2019, 2019
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
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