D. Stephen Lindsay
D. Stephen Lindsay
Professor of Psychology, University of Victoria
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Source monitoring.
MK Johnson, S Hashtroudi, DS Lindsay
Psychological bulletin 114 (1), 3, 1993
Constraints on generality (COG): A proposed addition to all empirical papers
DJ Simons, Y Shoda, DS Lindsay
Perspectives on Psychological Science 12 (6), 1123-1128, 2017
The eyewitness suggestibility effect and memory for source
DS Lindsay, MK Johnson
Memory & Cognition 17 (3), 349-358, 1989
Remembering mistaken for knowing: Ease of retrieval as a basis for confidence in answers to general knowledge questions
CM Kelley, DS Lindsay
Journal of memory and language 32 (1), 1-24, 1993
Psychotherapy and memories of childhood sexual abuse: A cognitive perspective
DS Lindsay, JD Read
Applied cognitive psychology 8 (4), 281-338, 1994
Developmental changes in memory source monitoring
DS Lindsay, MK Johnson, P Kwon
Journal of experimental child psychology 52 (3), 297-318, 1991
A picture is worth a thousand lies: Using false photographs to create false childhood memories
KA Wade, M Garry, J Don Read, DS Lindsay
Psychonomic bulletin & review 9 (3), 597-603, 2002
Misleading suggestions can impair eyewitnesses' ability to remember event details.
DS Lindsay
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 16 (6), 1077, 1990
Stroop process dissociations: the relationship between facilitation and interference.
DS Lindsay, LL Jacoby
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 20 (2), 219, 1994
Unconscious influences revealed: Attention, awareness, and control.
LL Jacoby, DS Lindsay, JP Toth
American psychologist 47 (6), 802, 1992
Interviewing preschoolers: Effects of nonsuggestive techniques, parental coaching, and leading questions on reports of nonexperienced events
DA Poole, DS Lindsay
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 60 (1), 129-154, 1995
True photographs and false memories
DS Lindsay, L Hagen, JD Read, KA Wade, M Garry
Psychological Science 15 (3), 149-154, 2004
Psychotherapy and the recovery of memories of childhood sexual abuse: US and British practitioners' opinions, practices, and experiences.
DA Poole, DS Lindsay, A Memon, R Bull
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 63 (3), 426, 1995
Item-specific control of automatic processes: Stroop process dissociations
LL Jacoby, DS Lindsay, S Hessels
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 10 (3), 638-644, 2003
Replication in psychological science
DS Lindsay
Psychological Science 26 (12), 1827-1832, 2015
Children's eyewitness reports after exposure to misinformation from parents.
DA Poole, DS Lindsay
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (1), 27, 2001
Source monitoring
DS Lindsay
Learning and memory: A comprehensive reference, 325-347, 2008
Accuracy and confidence in person identification: The relationship is strong when witnessing conditions vary widely
DS Lindsay, JD Read, K Sharma
Psychological Science 9 (3), 215-218, 1998
Memory impairment and source misattribution in postevent misinformation experiments with short retention intervals
RF Belli, DS Lindsay, MS Gales, TT McCarthy
Memory & Cognition 22, 40-54, 1994
Other-race face perception.
DS Lindsay, PC Jack, MA Christian
Journal of applied psychology 76 (4), 587, 1991
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