Oliver Hädicke
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Computing complex metabolic intervention strategies using constrained minimal cut sets
O Hädicke, S Klamt
Metabolic engineering 13 (2), 204-213, 2011
Metabolic network modeling of redox balancing and biohydrogen production in purple nonsulfur bacteria
O Hädicke, H Grammel, S Klamt
BMC systems biology 5, 1-18, 2011
CASOP: a computational approach for strain optimization aiming at high productivity
O Hädicke, S Klamt
Journal of biotechnology 147 (2), 88-101, 2010
In silico profiling of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as terpenoid factories
E Gruchattka, O Hädicke, S Klamt, V Schütz, O Kayser
Microbial cell factories 12, 1-18, 2013
Use of CellNetAnalyzer in biotechnology and metabolic engineering
A von Kamp, S Thiele, O Hädicke, S Klamt
Journal of biotechnology 261, 221-228, 2017
When do two‐stage processes outperform one‐stage processes?
S Klamt, R Mahadevan, O Hädicke
Biotechnology journal 13 (2), 1700539, 2018
EColiCore2: a reference network model of the central metabolism of Escherichia coli and relationships to its genome-scale parent model
O Hädicke, S Klamt
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 39647, 2017
OptMDFpathway: Identification of metabolic pathways with maximal thermodynamic driving force and its application for analyzing the endogenous CO2 fixation potential of …
O Hädicke, A von Kamp, T Aydogan, S Klamt
PLoS computational biology 14 (9), e1006492, 2018
Enforced ATP futile cycling increases specific productivity and yield of anaerobic lactate production in Escherichia coli
O Hädicke, K Bettenbrock, S Klamt
Biotechnology and bioengineering 112 (10), 2195-2199, 2015
Stoichiometric and constraint-based analysis of biochemical reaction networks
S Klamt, O Hädicke, A von Kamp
Large-scale networks in engineering and life sciences, 263-316, 2014
Manipulation of the ATP pool as a tool for metabolic engineering
O Hädicke, S Klamt
Biochemical Society Transactions 43 (6), 1140-1145, 2015
The avian cell line AGE1. CR. pIX characterized by metabolic flux analysis
V Lohr, O Hädicke, Y Genzel, I Jordan, H Büntemeyer, S Klamt, U Reichl
BMC biotechnology 14, 1-14, 2014
CASOP GS: Computing intervention strategies targeted at production improvement in genome-scale metabolic networks
K Bohl, LF Figueiredo, O Hädicke, S Klamt, C Kost, S Schuster, C Kaleta
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2010, 71-80, 2010
Stepwise reduction of the culture redox potential allows the analysis of microaerobic metabolism and photosynthetic membrane synthesis in Rhodospirillum rubrum
L Carius, O Hädicke, H Grammel
Biotechnology and bioengineering 110 (2), 573-585, 2013
New light on ancient enzymes – in vitro CO2 Fixation by Pyruvate Synthase of Desulfovibrio africanus and Sulfolobus acidocaldarius
A Witt, R Pozzi, S Diesch, O Hädicke, H Grammel
The FEBS Journal 286 (22), 4494-4508, 2019
Evaluating differences of metabolic performances: Statistical methods and their application to animal cell cultivations
O Hädicke, V Lohr, Y Genzel, U Reichl, S Klamt
Biotechnology and bioengineering 110 (10), 2633-2642, 2013
Large-scale networks in engineering and life sciences
S Klamt, O Hädicke, A Von Kamp, P Benner, R Findeisen, D Flockerzi, ...
Benner, P., Findeisen, R., Flockerzi, D., Reichl, U., Sundmacher, K., Eds …, 2014
Modellbasierte Identifizierung von Interventionsstrategien für Stoffwechselnetzwerke
O Hädicke
Shaker Verlag Aachen, 2014
Corrigendum: EColiCore2: a reference network model of the central metabolism of Escherichia coli and relationships to its genome-scale parent model
O Hädicke, S Klamt
Scientific Reports 7, 44520, 2017
Systembiologische Untersuchung bakterieller Stoffwechselnetzwerke und Enzyme für die technische Verwertung von CO
O Hädicke, R Pozzi, A Witt, M Oldiges, S Klamt, H Grammel
18. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, 115-122, 2016
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