Paul A. Warren
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Perceptions of randomness: why three heads are better than four.
U Hahn, PA Warren
Psychological review 116 (2), 454, 2009
Optic flow processing for the assessment of object movement during ego movement
PA Warren, SK Rushton
Current Biology 19 (18), 1555-1560, 2009
A Bayesian model of perceived head-centered velocity during smooth pursuit eye movement
TCA Freeman, RA Champion, PA Warren
Current Biology 20 (8), 757-762, 2010
Why contextual preference reversals maximize expected value.
A Howes, PA Warren, G Farmer, W El-Deredy, RL Lewis
Psychological review 123 (4), 368, 2016
Moving observers, relative retinal motion and the detection of object movement
SK Rushton, PA Warren
Current Biology 15 (14), R542-R543, 2005
Perception of object trajectory: Parsing retinal motion into self and object movement components
PA Warren, SK Rushton
Journal of vision 7 (11), 2-2, 2007
The pop out of scene-relative object movement against retinal motion due to self-movement
SK Rushton, MF Bradshaw, PA Warren
Cognition 105 (1), 237-245, 2007
Perception of scene-relative object movement: Optic flow parsing and the contribution of monocular depth cues
PA Warren, SK Rushton
Vision research 49 (11), 1406-1419, 2009
Perceptuo-motor, cognitive, and description-based decision-making seem equally good
A Jarvstad, U Hahn, SK Rushton, PA Warren
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (40), 16271-16276, 2013
Evidence for flow-parsing in radial flow displays
PA Warren, SK Rushton
Vision research 48 (5), 655-663, 2008
A simple control law generates Listing's positions in a detailed model of the extraocular muscle system
J Porrill, PA Warren, P Dean
Vision Research 40 (27), 3743-3758, 2000
The effect of expected value on attraction effect preference reversals
GD Farmer, PA Warren, W El‐Deredy, A Howes
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 30 (4), 785-793, 2017
Explicit estimation of visual uncertainty in human motion processing
EW Graf, PA Warren, LT Maloney
Vision Research 45 (24), 3050-3059, 2005
Interpolating sampled contours in 3-D: analyses of variability and bias
PA Warren, LT Maloney, MS Landy
Vision Research 42 (21), 2431-2446, 2002
A re-examination of “bias” in human randomness perception.
PA Warren, U Gostoli, GD Farmer, W El-Deredy, U Hahn
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 44 (5), 663, 2018
Who “believes” in the Gambler’s Fallacy and why?
GD Farmer, PA Warren, U Hahn
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 146 (1), 63, 2017
Brief report: Which came first? Exploring crossmodal temporal order judgements and their relationship with sensory reactivity in autism and neurotypicals
D Poole, E Gowen, PA Warren, E Poliakoff
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 47, 215-223, 2017
Does optic flow parsing depend on prior estimation of heading?
PA Warren, SK Rushton, AJ Foulkes
Journal of vision 12 (11), 8-8, 2012
Investigating visual–tactile interactions over time and space in adults with autism
D Poole, E Gowen, PA Warren, E Poliakoff
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45, 3316-3326, 2015
Flow parsing and heading perception show similar dependence on quality and quantity of optic flow
AJ Foulkes, SK Rushton, PA Warren
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 7, 49, 2013
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