Saeed Pezeshki
Saeed Pezeshki
Ph.D in Control Engineering
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Application of type-2 fuzzy logic system for load frequency control using feedback error learning approaches
K Sabahi, S Ghaemi, S Pezeshki
Applied Soft Computing 21, 1-11, 2014
Control of Overhead Crane System by using Adaptive Model Free and Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controllers
S Pezeshki, MA Badamchizadeh, AR Ghiasi, S Ghaemi
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 26 (1), 1–15, 2015
A new model-free adaptive controller versus non-linear H controller for levitation of an electromagnetic system
A Javadi, S Pezeshki
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 35 (3), 321-329, 2013
Adaptive Robust Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
S Pezeshki, AR Ghiasi, MA Badamchizadeh, K ·Sabahi
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 27 (3), 250–262, 2016
Gain Scheduling Technique using MIMO Type 2 Fuzzy Logic System for LFC in Restructure Power System
K Sabahi, S Ghaemi, S Pezeshki
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 19 (5), 1464–1478, 2017
Performance Analysis of a Neuro-PID Controller Applied to a Robot Manipulator
S Pezeshki, S Badalkhani, A Javadi
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 9 (5), 1-10, 2012
Robust Control of Electromagnetic Levitation System
A Javadi, G Alizadeh, AR Ghiasi, S Pezeshki
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 25 (5), 527–536, 2014
H∞/H_ Simultaneous Fault Detection and Control for Continuous-Time Linear Switched Delay Systems under Asynchronous Switching
H Shokouhi-Nejad, MA Badamchizadeh, AR Ghiasi, S Pezeshki
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 41 (1), 263-275, 2018
Stability analysis and robust stabilisation for a class of switched nonlinear systems with input delay
S Pezeshki, MA Badamchizadeh, A Rikhtehgar Ghiasi, S Ghaemi
International Journal of Control 93 (10), 2457-2468, 2020
Stability analysis and robust tracking control for a class of switched nonlinear systems with uncertain input delay
S Pezeski, MA Badamchizade, AR Ghiasi, S Ghaemi
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2019
H∞ Tracking Control for a Class of Asynchronous Switched Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Input Delay
S Pezeshki, MA Badamchizadeh, AR Ghiasi, S Ghaemi
The Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019
Designing of Adaptive Model Free Controller Based on Output Error and Feedback Linearization
S Pezeshki, MA Badamchizadeh, S Ghaemi, MA Poor
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2013, 1-13, 2013
Robust Tracking Control of a Class of Switched Nonlinear Systems with Input Delay under Asynchronous Switching
S Pezeshki, MA Badamchizadeh, AR Ghiasi, S Ghaemi
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 140 (6), 2018
Evaluation of Three Nonlinear Control Methods to Reject the Constant Bounded Disturbance for Robotic Manipulators
AA Ghavifekr, S Pezeshki, A Arjmandi
Majlesi Journal of Mechatronic Systems 1 (2), 2012
Lyapunov-Based Controller for a class of Stochastic Chaotic Systems
H Shokouhi-Nejad, A Rikhtehgar Ghiasi, S Pezeshki
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing 2014, 2014
A New Approach for Designing of Adaptive Model Free Controllers
S Pezeshki, MA Badamchizadeh
Journal of Electrical Engineering 40 (2), 21-36, 2011
Author's personal copy
S Pezeshki, AR Ghiasi, MA Badamchizadeh, K Sabahi
Research Article Designing of Adaptive Model-Free Controller Based on Output Error and Feedback Linearization
S Pezeshki, MA Badamchizadeh, S Ghaemi, MA Poor
An Improved Fuzzy Algorithm Using Sliding Mode Concept in Controlling Overhead Crane System
S Pezeshki, AA Ghavaifekr
Majlesi Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2011
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