Jose Ramon Prieto Fontcuberta
Jose Ramon Prieto Fontcuberta
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A visual dashboard to track learning analytics for educational cloud computing
DM Naranjo, JR Prieto, G Moltó, A Calatrava
Sensors 19 (13), 2952, 2019
The Carabela project and manuscript collection: large-scale probabilistic indexing and content-based classification
E Vidal, V Romero, AH Toselli, JA Sánchez, V Bosch, L Quirós, JM Benedí, ...
2020 17th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition …, 2020
Textual-content-based classification of bundles of untranscribed manuscript images
JR Prieto, V Bosch, E Vidal, C Alonso, MC Orcero, L Marquez
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 3162-3169, 2021
Information extraction from handwritten tables in historical documents
J Andrés, JR Prieto, E Granell, V Romero, JA Sánchez, E Vidal
International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 184-198, 2022
Open set classification of untranscribed handwritten text image documents
JR Prieto, JJ Flores, E Vidal, AH Toselli
Pattern Recognition Letters 172, 113-120, 2023
Improved graph methods for table layout understanding
JR Prieto, E Vidal
Document Analysis and Recognition–ICDAR 2021: 16th International Conference …, 2021
Text content based layout analysis
JR Prieto, V Bosch, E Vidal, D Stutzmann, S Hamel
2020 17th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition …, 2020
Classification of untranscribed handwritten notarial documents by textual contents
JJ Flores, JR Prieto, D Garrido, C Alonso, E Vidal
Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 14-26, 2022
Writer identification using deep neural networks: Impact of patch size and number of patches
A Punjabi, JR Prieto, E Vidal
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 9764-9771, 2021
Fusion of Visual and Textual Features for Table Header Detection in Handwritten Text Images
A Salazar, JR Prieto, E Vidal, G Safont, L Vergara
2021 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational …, 2021
Information extraction in handwritten historical logbooks
JR Prieto, J Andrés, E Granell, JA Sánchez, E Vidal
Pattern Recognition Letters 172, 128-136, 2023
Processing a large collection of historical tabular images
E Granell, V Romero, JR Prieto, J Andrés, L Quirós, JA Sánchez, E Vidal
Pattern Recognition Letters 170, 9-16, 2023
Extracting descriptive words from untranscribed handwritten images
JR Prieto, E Vidal, JA Sánchez, C Alonso, D Garrido
Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 540-551, 2022
Bots and Gender Profiling using a Deep Learning Approach.
JRP Fontcuberta, GL De la Peña Sarracén
CLEF (Working Notes), 2019
Segmentation of large historical manuscript bundles into multi-page deeds
JR Prieto, D Becerra, AH Toselli, C Alonso, E Vidal
Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 121-133, 2023
Herramienta web para el seguimiento automatizado de actividades educativas prácticas en la nube
G Moltó, DM Naranjo, JR Prieto
Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2019
Segmenting large historical notarial manuscripts into multi-page deeds
JR Prieto, D Becerra, AH Toselli, C Alonso, E Vidal
Pattern Analysis and Applications 27 (1), 22, 2024
Análisis de Maquetación (" Layout") en imágenes de texto manuscrito mediante Redes Neuronales
JR Prieto Fontcuberta
Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019
Portal Web de Analíticas de Uso para Cuentas Compartidas en AWS
JR Prieto Fontcuberta
Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018
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Artikel 1–19