Mario Cassaro, Ph.D.
Mario Cassaro, Ph.D.
ONERA, The French Aerospace Lab
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Comparison of adaptive control architectures for flutter suppression
M Cassaro, M Battipede, P Marzocca, A Behal
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 38 (2), 346-355, 2015
Novel neural architecture for air data angle estimation
M Battipede, M Cassaro, P Gili, A Lerro
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 14th International Conference …, 2013
An emergency hierarchical guidance control strategy for autonomous vehicles
F Khelladi, M Boudali, R Orjuela, M Cassaro, M Basset, C Roos
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (5), 4319-4330, 2020
A route selection problem applied to auto-piloted aircraft tugs
G Sirigu, M Cassaro, M Battipede, P Gili
WSEAS Transactions on Electronics 8, 27-40, 2017
Wind generator innovative blade design: variable twist and start-up control
G Sirigu, M Cassaro, M Battipede, P Gili, G Frulla
International Journal of Mechanics 10, 53-61, 2016
1 Adaptive Flutter Suppression Control Strategy for Highly Flexible Structure
M Cassaro, M Battipede, P Marzocca, E Cestino, A Behal
SAE International Journal of Aerospace 6 (2013-01-2263), 693-702, 2013
4D trajectory optimization satisfying waypoint and no-fly zone constraints
DG Mazzotta, G Sirigu, M Cassaro, M Battipede, P Gili
WSEAS Transactions on systems and control 12 (23), 221-231, 2017
Analysis of the impact of performance model accuracy on 4d trajectory optimization
M Battipede, G Sirigu, M Cassaro, P Gili
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 0145, 2015
Overview of the multipurpose aircraft simulation laboratory experience
M Cassaro, P Gunetti, M Battipede, P Gili
2013 Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, 4306, 2013
Robust dynamic allocation for aircraft roll-out phase directional control
M Cassaro, C Roos, M J-Biannic
2018 European Control Conference (ECC), 2763-2768, 2018
Autonomous taxi operations: algorithms for the solution of the routing problem
G Sirigu, M Cassaro, M Battipede, P Gili
2018 AIAA Information Systems-AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace, 2143, 2018
Command governor-based adaptive control for constrained linear systems in presence of unmodelled dynamics
G Magnani, ADR De Souza, M Cassaro, JM Biannic, H Evain, L Burlion
2023 American Control Conference (ACC), 2387-2392, 2023
On-ground Aircraft Modeling for Advanced Braking Control System Design
AW Ndiaye, M Cassaro, C Combier, JM Biannic, C Roos
2022 European Control Conference (ECC), 649-656, 2022
Advanced aircraft braking control laws design and validation
AW Ndiaye, JM Biannic, M Cassaro, C Combier, JB Lestage
Proceeding 9th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, 1-16, 2021
Novel active control strategy for LCO and flutter suppression by a coordinated use of multiple distributed surface actuators
M Cassaro, A Nagy, P Marzocca, M Battipede, G Ahmadi
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 46421 …, 2014
Modeling autopilot suites for a multi-aircraft simulator
P Gunetti, M Cassaro, M Battipede, P Gili
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies (MST) Conference, 4736, 2013
FMS and AFCS interface for 4D trajectory operations
G Sirigu, M Battipede, P Gili, M Cassaro
SAE Technical Paper, 2015
Aeroelastic System Control by a Multiple Spoiler Actuation and MRAC Scheme
M Cassaro, M Battipede, P Marzocca, G Ahmadi
56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2015
Daisy chaining Kalman filter control allocation
W Sayssouk, R Orjuela, M Cassaro, C Roos, M Basset
2023 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2023
Adaptive minimal control synthesis for satellite attitude control in presence of propellant sloshing and flexible appendices
M Cassaro, JM Biannic, H Evain
2022 European Control Conference (ECC), 193-198, 2022
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