Gilles Chaix
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Zitiert von
Gene flow estimation with microsatellites in a Malagasy seed orchard of Eucalyptus grandis
G Chaix, S Gerber, V Razafimaharo, P Vigneron, D Verhaegen, S Hamon
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107 (4), 705-712, 2003
Effects of sample preparation on NIR spectroscopic estimation of chemical properties of Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake wood
PR Gherardi Hein, JT Lima, G Chaix
Walter de Gruyter 64 (1), 45-54, 2010
Applicability of Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging for monitoring wood moisture content (MC)
H Kobori, N Gorretta, G Rabatel, V Bellon-Maurel, G Chaix, JM Roger, ...
Holzforschung 67 (3), 307-314, 2013
Robustness of models based on near infrared spectra to predict the basic density in Eucalyptus urophylla wood
PRG Hein, JT Lima, G Chaix
Journal of near infrared spectroscopy 17 (3), 141-150, 2009
Relationships between biochemical attributes (non-structural carbohydrates and phenolics) and natural durability against fungi in dry teak wood (Tectona grandis L. f.)
FB Niamké, N Amusant, JP Charpentier, G Chaix, Y Baissac, N Boutahar, ...
Annals of forest science 68, 201-211, 2011
Near infrared spectroscopy for estimating wood basic density in Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus grandis
PRG Hein, ACM Campos, PF Trugilho, JT Lima, G Chaix
Cerne 15 (2), 133-141, 2009
Genetic variation of wood chemical traits and association with underlying genes in Eucalyptus urophylla
M Denis, B Favreau, S Ueno, L Camus-Kulandaivelu, G Chaix, JM Gion, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 9, 927-942, 2013
Estimation of physical and mechanical properties of agro-based particleboards by near infrared spectroscopy
PRG Hein, ACM Campos, RF Mendes, LM Mendes, G Chaix
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 69 (3), 431-442, 2010
Genetic variation of growth and tree quality traits among 42 diverse genetic origins of Tectona grandis planted under humid tropical conditions in Sabah, East …
O Monteuuis, DKS Goh, C Garcia, D Alloysius, J Gidiman, R Bacilieri, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 7, 1263-1275, 2011
Provenance effect on the ring structure of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) wood by X-ray microdensitometry
M Nocetti, P Rozenberg, G Chaix, N Macchioni
Annals of forest science 68, 1375-1383, 2011
Genetic variation in major phenotypic traits among diverse genetic origins of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) planted in Taliwas, Sabah, East Malaysia
G Chaix, O Monteuuis, C Garcia, D Alloysius, J Gidiman, R Bacilieri, ...
Annals of Forest Science 68, 1015-1026, 2011
A systems biology view of wood formation in Eucalyptus grandis trees submitted to different potassium and water regimes
R Ployet, MT Veneziano Labate, T Regiani Cataldi, M Christina, M Morel, ...
New Phytologist 223 (2), 766-782, 2019
Overview of current practices in data analysis for wood identification
N Schmitz
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Johann …, 2020
4′, 5′-Dihydroxy-epiisocatalponol, a new naphthoquinone from Tectona grandis L. f. heartwood, and fungicidal activity
FB Niamké, N Amusant, D Stien, G Chaix, Y Lozano, AA Kadio, ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 74, 93-98, 2012
Age trends of microfibril angle inheritance and their genetic and environmental correlations with growth, density and chemical properties in Eucalyptus urophylla S …
PRG Hein, JM Bouvet, E Mandrou, P Vigneron, B Clair, G Chaix
Annals of Forest Science 69, 681-691, 2012
Rapid prediction of shrinkage and fibre saturation point on teak (Tectona grandis) wood based on near-infrared spectroscopy
AD Kokutse, L Brancheriau, G Chaix
Annals of Forest Science 67 (4), 403, 2010
Spatial variation of wood density, stiffness and microfibril angle along Eucalyptus trunks grown under contrasting growth conditions
PRG Hein, G Chaix, B Clair, L Brancheriau, J Gril
Trees 30, 871-882, 2016
Predicting microfibril angle in Eucalyptus wood from different wood faces and surface qualities using near infrared spectra
PRG Hein, B Clair, L Brancheriau, G Chaix
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 18 (6), 455-464, 2010
Mass production and quality control of teak clones for tropical plantations: The Yayasan Sabah Group and Forestry Department of Cirad Joint Project as a case study
DKS Goh, G Chaix, H Bailleres, O Monteuuis
Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 293, 65-77, 2007
Quantitative assessment of total phenol contents of European oak (Quercus petraea and Quercus robur) by diffuse reflectance NIR spectroscopy on solid wood surfaces
S Zahri, A Moubarik, F Charrier, G Chaix, H Bailleres, G Nepveu, ...
De Gruyter 62 (6), 679-687, 2008
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