Dorota Strózik
Dorota Strózik
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Family structure and family relationship from the child well-being perspective: Findings from comparative analysis
T Dinisman, S Andresen, C Montserrat, D Strózik, T Strózik
Children and Youth Services Review 80, 105-115, 2017
The subjective well-being of school children. The first findings from the children’s worlds study in Poland
D Strózik, T Strózik, K Szwarc
Child Indicators Research 9, 39-50, 2016
Does the realisation of children’s rights determine good life in 8-year-olds’ perspectives? A comparison of eight European countries
D Kutsar, K Soo, T Strózik, D Strózik, B Grigoraș, S Bălțătescu
Child Indicators Research 12, 161-183, 2019
Subjective well-being of children left behind by migrant parents in six European countries
S Bălțătescu, T Strózik, K Soo, D Kutsar, D Strózik, C Bacter
Child Indicators Research 16 (5), 1941-1969, 2023
The subjective well-being of school children. The first findings from the children’s worlds study in Poland. Child Indicators Research 9 (1): 39-50
D Strózik, T Strózik, K Szwarc
Environmental Classification of Products in a Context of Ecodesign in Small and Medium Enterprises
K Joachimiak-Lechman, A Lewandowska, T Strózik, D Strózik
Economic and Environmental Studies 17 (43), 491-513, 2017
Children’s Worlds National Report—Poland
D Strózik, T Strózik, K Szwarc
Pobrane z: http://www. isciweb. org, stan na 13, 2015
Correction to: Does the Realisation of Children’s Rights Determine Good Life in 8-Year-Olds’ Perspectives? A Comparison of Eight European Countries
D Kutsar, K Soo, T Strózik, D Strózik, B Grigoraș, S Bălțătescu
Child Indicators Research 12 (1), 185-185, 2019
Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie poziomu życia w województwie wielkopolskim
D Strózik, T Strózik
Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego We Wrocławiu, 2014
Spatial Differentiation of Child Well-Being in Europe
D Strózik, T Strózik
Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia 14 (1), 78, 2014
Determinanty procesów rozpadu małżeństw w Polsce-ujęcie wielowymiarowe
D Strózik
Zeszyty Naukowe/Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, 118-136, 2011
Procesy dezintegracji małżeństw a skala dzietności w krajach Unii Europejskiej
D Strózik
Studia Ekonomiczne/Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, 279-288, 2011
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