Edward J. Raynor
Edward J. Raynor
Sonstige NamenEdward James Raynor, E.J. Raynor, Ed Raynor
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Bison foraging responds to fire frequency in nutritionally heterogeneous grassland
EJ Raynor, A Joern, JM Briggs
Ecology 96 (6), 1586-1597, 2015
Cattle grazing distribution patterns related to topography across diverse rangeland ecosystems of North America
EJ Raynor, SP Gersie, MB Stephenson, PE Clark, SA Spiegal, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 75, 91-103, 2021
Hyperspectral Analysis of Leaf Pigments and Nutritional Elements in Tallgrass Prairie Vegetation
B Ling, DG Goodin, EJ Raynor, A Joern
Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 142, 2019
Foraging decisions underlying restricted space-use: effects of fire and forage maturation on large herbivore nutrient uptake
EJ Raynor, A Joern, J Nippert, Briggs, J M.
Ecology and Evolution 6, 5843-5853, 2016
Complex variation in habitat selection strategies among individuals driven by extrinsic factors
EJ Raynor, HL Beyer, JM Briggs, A Joern
Ecology and Evolution 7 (6), 1802-1822, 2017
Short-term demographic responses of a coastal waterbird community after two major hurricanes
EJ Raynor, AR Pierce, TM Owen, CM Leumas, FC Rohwer
Waterbirds 36 (1), 88-93, 2013
Breeding Habitat Requirements and Colony Formation by Royal Terns (Thalasseus Maximus) and Sandwich Terns (T. Sandvicensis) on Barrier Islands in the Gulf …
EJ Raynor, AR Pierce, CM Leumas, FC Rohwer
The Auk 129 (4), 763-772, 2012
Large‐scale and local climatic controls on large herbivore productivity: implications for adaptive rangeland management
EJ Raynor, JD Derner, DL Hoover, WJ Parton, DJ Augustine
Ecological Applications 30 (3), 2020
Present and future thermal environments available to Sharp-tailed Grouse in an intact grassland
EJ Raynor, LA Powell, WH Schacht
PLoS One 13 (2), e0191233, 2018
Noseband sensor validation and behavioural indicators for assessing beef cattle grazing on extensive pastures
EJ Raynor, JD Derner, KJ Soder, DJ Augustine
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 242, 105402, 2021
Grassland bird community and acoustic complexity appear unaffected by proximity to a wind energy facility in the Nebraska Sandhills
EJ Raynor, CE Whalen, MB Brown, LA Powell
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119 (3), 484-496, 2017
Adaptive, multi-paddock, rotational grazing management alters foraging behavior and spatial grazing distribution of free-ranging cattle
DJ Augustine, SP Kearney, EJ Raynor, LM Porensky, JD Derner
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 352, 108521, 2023
Using adaptive management to restore grasslands invaded by tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus)
JJ Coon, NJ Lyon, EJ Raynor, DM Debinski, JR Miller, WH Schacht
Rangeland Ecology & Management 76, 84-94, 2021
Shifting Cattle Producer Beliefs on Stocking and Invasive Forage: Implications for Grassland Conservation
E Raynor, J Coon, T Swartz, L Wright Morton, W Schacht, J Miller
Rangeland Ecology & Management 72 (6), 888-898, 2019
Effects of Tamarix removal on the community dynamics of riparian birds in a semiarid grassland
EJ Raynor, TT Cable, BK Sandercock
Restoration Ecology 25 (5), 778-787, 2017
Multidecadal directional shift in shortgrass stocking rates
EJ Raynor, JD Derner, T Baldwin, JP Ritten, DJ Augustine
Rangeland Ecology & Management 74, 72-80, 2021
Location matters: evaluating Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) boom chorus propagation
EJ Raynor, C Whalen, M Bomberger Brown, LA Powell
Avian Conservation and Ecology 12 (2), 2017
Temporal variability in large grazer space use in an experimental landscape
EJ Raynor, A Joern, A Skibbe, M Sowers, JM Briggs, AN Laws, D Goodin
Ecosphere 8 (1), e01674, 2017
Climatic and management determinants of large herbivore production in semiarid grassland
JD Derner, EJ Raynor, JL Reeves, DJ Augustine, DG Milchunas
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 290, 106761, 2020
Can measurements of foraging behaviour predict variation in weight gains of free-ranging cattle?
D Augustine, E Raynor, S Kearney, J Derner
Animal Production Science 62, 926-936, 2022
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