Ankur Singh
Ankur Singh
IIIT Gwalior
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Optimization of process variables for preparation of apple pomace-black soyflour based biscuits
A Singh, I Rana, NC Sahi, UC Lohani, K Chand
International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Science 2 (1), 101-106, 2012
Water requirement of wheat crop for optimum production using CROPWAT model
K Deo, SR Mishra, AK Singh, AN Mishra, A Singh
J. Med. Plants 5 (3), 338-342, 2017
Morphometric analysis of a Kosi River Basin, Uttarakhand using geographical information system
PA Ganie, R Posti, P Kumar, A Singh
Int J Multidiscip Curr Res 4, 1190-1200, 2016
Assessment of chemical properties of soil under different land use systems in a mollisol
V Pandey, P Gautam, AP Singh
Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 8, 1165-1175, 2019
Impacts of climate smart jute farming on resource use efficiency, productivity and economic benefits in rural Eastern India
AK Singh, SK Jha, B Majumdar, ML Roy, S Sarkar, AK Ghorai
Outlook on Agriculture 48 (1), 75-82, 2019
Impact of integrated nutrient management on ginger production
AK Singh, US Gautam, J Singh
Bangladesh Journal of Botany 44 (2), 341-344, 2015
Quality characteristics of Ohmic heated Aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) pulp
A Singh, S Santosh, M Kulshrestha, K Chand, UC Lohani, NC Shahi
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2013
Physicochemical characterization and organoleptic analysis in rice cultivars
S Eram, AK Singh, A Singh, NK Singh, PK Singh
Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 48 (6), 437-445, 2014
Propagation of Love-type wave in functionally graded pre-stressed magneto-visco-elastic fiber-reinforced composite structure
P Singh, A Chattopadhyay, AK Singh
Waves in Random and Complex Media 31 (5), 942-971, 2021
Propagating arid fruits commercially
AK Singh
Indian Horticulture 63 (5), 2018
Estimating subsurface petro-physical properties from raw and conditioned seismic reflection data: a comparative study
PK Kushwaha, SP Maurya, NP Singh, P Rai
J. Indian Geophys. Union 23, 285-306, 2019
A study on machinability of polymer composite by abrasive water jet machining
S Muralidharan, I Aatthisugan, A Tripathi, H Baradiya, A Singh
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 402 (1), 012102, 2018
Effect of halophilic bioformulations on soil fertility and productivity of salt tolerant varieties of paddy in sodic soil
R Sahay, AK Singh, S Arora, A Singh, DK Tiwari, RC Maurya, V Chandra, ...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 7 (09), 1 …, 2018
Response surface methodology for selection of machine parameters for enhancing pearling efficiency of finger millet dehuller-cum-pearler
SS Verma, A Singh, NC Shahi
Int J Sci Res 3 (10), 2319-7064, 2014
Yield and yield component analysis in hybrid okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L. monech]
JP Sharma, AK Singh, S Chopra, SP Tiwari
Journal of Research, SKUAST–J 6 (2), 286-291, 2007
Relative susceptibility of mango varieties to powdery mildew caused by Oidium mangiferae.
RKS Tiwari, AS Ashok Singh, ML Rajput, RK Bisen
Deblossoming in summer season flowering in guava
AK Dubey, DB Singh, S Barhe, A Singh, M Dalal
Indian Horticulture (India) 47 (1), 2002
Genetic studies of calving interval in Sahiwal.
CP Sethi, FH Khan, AS Ashok Singh
Comparative performance of different intercropping systems with pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) under rainfed conditions of the Vindhyan region.
RA Singh, AK Singh
Combining ability for harvest index and other related characters in rice
R Singh, A Singh
Oryza 28 (1), 19-22, 1991
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