Tomohiko Takei
Tomohiko Takei
Professor, Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa University
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Neural basis for hand muscle synergies in the primate spinal cord
T Takei, J Confais, S Tomatsu, T Oya, K Seki
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (32), 8643-8648, 2017
Feedback control during voluntary motor actions
SH Scott, T Cluff, CR Lowrey, T Takei
Current opinion in neurobiology 33, 85-94, 2015
Spinal interneurons facilitate coactivation of hand muscles during a precision grip task in monkeys
T Takei, K Seki
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (50), 17041-17050, 2010
Activity in the posterior parietal cortex mediates visual dominance over kinesthesia
N Hagura, T Takei, S Hirose, Y Aramaki, M Matsumura, N Sadato, E Naito
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (26), 7047-7053, 2007
Transient deactivation of dorsal premotor cortex or parietal area 5 impairs feedback control of the limb in macaques
T Takei, SG Lomber, DJ Cook, SH Scott
Current Biology 31 (7), 1476-1487. e5, 2021
Independent representations of ipsilateral and contralateral limbs in primary motor cortex
EA Heming, KP Cross, T Takei, DJ Cook, SH Scott
Elife 8, e48190, 2019
Spinal premotor interneurons mediate dynamic and static motor commands for precision grip in monkeys
T Takei, K Seki
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (20), 8850-8860, 2013
Nerve-specific input modulation to spinal neurons during a motor task in the monkey
J Confais, G Kim, S Tomatsu, T Takei, K Seki
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (10), 2612-2626, 2017
Visual feedback processing of the limb involves two distinct phases
KP Cross, T Cluff, T Takei, SH Scott
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (34), 6751-6765, 2019
Neurons in red nucleus and primary motor cortex exhibit similar responses to mechanical perturbations applied to the upper-limb during posture
TM Herter, T Takei, DP Munoz, SH Scott
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 9, 29, 2015
Distinct sensorimotor feedback loops for dynamic and static control of primate precision grip
T Oya, T Takei, K Seki
Communications Biology 3 (1), 156, 2020
Mechanism of camptocormia in Parkinson's disease analyzed by tilt table-EMG recording
Y Furusawa, T Hanakawa, Y Mukai, Y Aihara, T Taminato, Y Iawata, ...
Parkinsonism & related disorders 21 (7), 765-770, 2015
Synaptic and functional linkages between spinal premotor interneurons and hand-muscle activity during precision grip
T Takei, K Seki
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 7, 40, 2013
Spinomuscular coherence in monkeys performing a precision grip task
T Takei, K Seki
Journal of neurophysiology 99 (4), 2012-2020, 2008
Forelimb force direction and magnitude independently controlled by spinal modules in the macaque
A Yaron, D Kowalski, H Yaguchi, T Takei, K Seki
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (44), 27655-27666, 2020
Correlations between primary motor cortex activity with recent past and future limb motion during unperturbed reaching
T Takei, F Crevecoeur, TM Herter, KP Cross, SH Scott
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (36), 7787-7799, 2018
Reduction of cortico-spinal excitability by transcranial magnetic stimulation at predictable timing
T Takei, T Hashimoto, N Hagura, M Matsumura, E Naito
The Japanese journal of physiology 55 (2), 93-99, 2005
Representation of afferent signals from forearm muscle and cutaneous nerves in the primary somatosensory cortex of the macaque monkey
H Yamada, H Yaguchi, S Tomatsu, T Takei, T Oya, K Seki
PLoS One 11 (10), e0163948, 2016
Modulation of spinal motor output by initial arm postures in anesthetized monkeys
H Yaguchi, T Takei, D Kowalski, T Suzuki, K Mabuchi, K Seki
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (17), 6937-6945, 2015
Modeling of hyper-adaptability: from motor coordination to rehabilitation
H Eberle, Y Hayashi, R Kurazume, T Takei, Q An
Advanced Robotics 35 (13-14), 802-817, 2021
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