J.R. Lockwood
J.R. Lockwood
Principal Psychometrician, Duolingo
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Evaluating Value-Added Models for Teacher Accountability. Monograph.
DF McCaffrey, JR Lockwood, DM Koretz, LS Hamilton
Rand Corporation, 2003
Models for value-added modeling of teacher effects
DF McCaffrey, JR Lockwood, D Koretz, TA Louis, L Hamilton
Journal of educational and behavioral statistics 29 (1), 67-101, 2004
The intertemporal variability of teacher effect estimates
DF McCaffrey, TR Sass, JR Lockwood, K Mihaly
Education finance and Policy 4 (4), 572-606, 2009
Teacher Pay for Performance: Experimental Evidence from the Project on Incentives in Teaching (POINT).
MG Springer, D Ballou, L Hamilton, VN Le, JR Lockwood, DF McCaffrey, ...
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2011
Alternatives for landmine detection
J MacDonald, JR Lockwood, J McFee, T Altshuler, T Broach, L Carin, ...
(No Title), 2003
The sensitivity of value‐added teacher effect estimates to different mathematics achievement measures
JR Lockwood, DF McCaffrey, LS Hamilton, B Stecher, VN Le, JF Martinez
Journal of Educational Measurement 44 (1), 47-67, 2007
A composite estimator of effective teaching
DF McCaffrey, DO Staiger, JR Lockwood
Teacher Qualifications, Instructional Practices, and Reading and Mathematics Gains of Kindergartners. Research and Development Report. NCES 2006-031.
CM Guarino, LS Hamilton, JR Lockwood, AH Rathbun
National Center for Education Statistics, 2006
Supporting literacy across the sunshine state: A study of Florida middle school reading coaches
JA Marsh
Rand Corporation, 2008
On the statistical analysis of multiple-choice feeding preference experiments
JR Lockwood III
Oecologia 116, 475-481, 1998
Trends in classroom observation scores
JM Casabianca, JR Lockwood, DF McCaffrey
Educational and Psychological Measurement 75 (2), 311-337, 2015
Linking reading coaches and student achievement: Evidence from Florida middle schools
JR Lockwood, JS McCombs, J Marsh
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 32 (3), 372-388, 2010
Using structured classroom vignettes to measure instructional practices in mathematics
B Stecher, VN Le, L Hamilton, G Ryan, A Robyn, JR Lockwood
Educational evaluation and policy analysis 28 (2), 101-130, 2006
State and Local Implementation of the" No Child Left Behind Act." Volume I--Title I School Choice, Supplemental Educational Services, and Student Achievement. A Report from the …
R Zimmer, B Gill, K Booker, JR Lockwood III
US Department of Education, 2007
Bayesian methods for scalable multivariate value-added assessment
JR Lockwood, DF McCaffrey, LT Mariano, C Setodji
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 32 (2), 125-150, 2007
Standards for Regression Discontinuity Designs.
P Schochet, T Cook, J Deke, G Imbens, JR Lockwood, J Porter, J Smith
What Works Clearinghouse, 2010
Where you come from or where you go? Distinguishing between school quality and the effectiveness of teacher preparation program graduates
K Mihaly, D McCaffrey, TR Sass, JR Lockwood
Education Finance and Policy 8 (4), 459-493, 2013
Uncertainty in rank estimation: Implications for value-added modeling accountability systems
JR Lockwood, TA Louis, DF McCaffrey
Journal of educational and behavioral statistics 27 (3), 255-270, 2002
Correcting for test score measurement error in ANCOVA models for estimating treatment effects
JR Lockwood, DF McCaffrey
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 39 (1), 22-52, 2014
A review of Stata commands for fixed-effects estimation in normal linear models
DF McCaffrey, JR Lockwood, K Mihaly, TR Sass
The Stata Journal 12 (3), 406-432, 2012
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