Gabriela Mendoza-González
Gabriela Mendoza-González
Instituto de Ecología, UNAM
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Land use change and its effects on the value of ecosystem services along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico
G Mendoza-González, ML Martínez, D Lithgow, O Pérez-Maqueo, ...
Ecological Economics 82, 23-32, 2012
Salt marsh zonal migration and ecosystem service change in response to global sea level rise: a case study from an urban region
RA Feagin, ML Martinez, G Mendoza-Gonzalez, R Costanza
Ecology and Society 15 (4), 2010
Linking restoration ecology with coastal dune restoration
D Lithgow, ML Martínez, JB Gallego-Fernández, PA Hesp, P Flores, ...
Geomorphology 199, 214-224, 2013
Land use changes and sea level rise may induce a “coastal squeeze” on the coasts of Veracruz, Mexico
ML Martínez, G Mendoza-González, R Silva-Casarín, E Mendoza-Baldwin
Global Environmental Change 29, 180-188, 2014
Ecological niche modeling of coastal dune plants and future potential distribution in response to climate change and sea level rise
G Mendoza‐González, ML Martínez, OR Rojas‐Soto, G Vázquez, ...
Global change biology 19 (8), 2524-2535, 2013
Towards a sustainable sun, sea, and sand tourism: The value of ocean view and proximity to the coast
G Mendoza-González, ML Martínez, R Guevara, O Pérez-Maqueo, ...
Sustainability 10 (4), 1012, 2018
A systemic view of potential environmental impacts of ocean energy production
ML Martínez, G Vázquez, O Pérez-Maqueo, R Silva, P Moreno-Casasola, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149, 111332, 2021
Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC
G Mendoza-González, ML Martínez, D Lithgow
Journal of Coastal Research 30 (4), 697-713, 2014
Evaluation of shifts in the potential future distributions of carcharhinid sharks under different climate change scenarios
PL Diaz-Carballido, G Mendoza-González, CA Yañez-Arenas, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 745501, 2022
The coasts and their costs
O Pérez-Maqueo, ML Martínez, D Lithgow, G Mendoza-González, ...
Restoration of coastal dunes, 289-304, 2013
Environmental drivers of decadal change of a mangrove forest in the North coast of the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico
R Rioja-Nieto, E Barrera-Falcón, E Torres-Irineo, G Mendoza-González, ...
Journal of Coastal Conservation 21 (1), 167-175, 2017
Priority areas for conservation of beach and dune vegetation of the Mexican Atlantic coast
G Mendoza-González, ML Martínez, O Rojas-Soto, O Téllez-Valdés, ...
Journal for Nature Conservation 33, 25-34, 2016
Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Palafoxia lindenii A. Gray
LL Álvarez-Molina, ML Martínez, D Lithgow, G Mendoza-González, ...
Journal of Coastal Research 29 (3), 680-693, 2013
Perceptions and social values regarding the ecosystem services of beaches and coastal dunes in Yucatan, Mexico
G Mendoza-González, A Paredes-Chi, D Méndez-Funes, M Giraldo, ...
Sustainability 13 (7), 3592, 2021
Efecto del cambio climático en la distribución de especies clave en la vegetación de duna costera en la península de Yucatán, México
N Ovando-Hidalgo, J Tun-Garrido, G Mendoza-González, V Parra-Tabla
Revista mexicana de biodiversidad 91, 2020
Mexican Coastal dunes: recipients and donors of alien flora
ML Martínez, G Castillo-Campos, JG García-Franco, O Pérez-Maqueo, ...
Diversity 13 (11), 530, 2021
Análisis de cambio de uso de suelo y sus implicaciones en la prestación de servicios ecosistémicos en la costa de Veracruz
G Mendoza González
tesis de maestría, Xalapa, Veracruz: Instituto de Ecología, 2009
Mexican priority bamboo species under scenarios of climate change
E Ruiz-Sanchez, G Mendoza-Gonzalez, O Rojas-Soto
Botanical Sciences 96 (1), 11-23, 2018
Efecto del sitio de procedencia sobre los atributos de las semillas de Cakile edentula (Brassicaceae), especie estabilizadora de duna costera
R Álvarez-Espino, G Mendoza-González, C Pérez-Martin, ...
Botanical Sciences 97 (1), 74-81, 2019
The dilemma of coastal management: Exploitation or conservation?
ML Martínez, R Silva, O Pérez-Maqueo, V Chávez, G Mendoza-González, ...
Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures 2, e10, 2024
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