Yaniv Ziv
Yaniv Ziv
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Immune cells contribute to the maintenance of neurogenesis and spatial learning abilities in adulthood
Y Ziv, N Ron, O Butovsky, G Landa, E Sudai, N Greenberg, H Cohen, ...
Nature neuroscience 9 (2), 268-275, 2006
Miniaturized integration of a fluorescence microscope
KK Ghosh, LD Burns, ED Cocker, A Nimmerjahn, Y Ziv, AE Gamal, ...
Nature methods 8 (10), 871-878, 2011
Long-term dynamics of CA1 hippocampal place codes
Y Ziv, LD Burns, ED Cocker, EO Hamel, KK Ghosh, LJ Kitch, AE Gamal, ...
Nature neuroscience 16 (3), 264-266, 2013
Microglia activated by IL-4 or IFN-γ differentially induce neurogenesis and oligodendrogenesis from adult stem/progenitor cells
O Butovsky, Y Ziv, A Schwartz, G Landa, AE Talpalar, S Pluchino, ...
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 31 (1), 149-160, 2006
Revealing modular organization in the yeast transcriptional network
J Ihmels, G Friedlander, S Bergmann, O Sarig, Y Ziv, N Barkai
Nature genetics 31 (4), 370-377, 2002
Toll-like receptors modulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis
A Rolls, R Shechter, A London, Y Ziv, A Ronen, R Levy, M Schwartz
Nature cell biology 9 (9), 1081-1088, 2007
T cell deficiency leads to cognitive dysfunction: implications for therapeutic vaccination for schizophrenia and other psychiatric conditions
J Kipnis, H Cohen, M Cardon, Y Ziv, M Schwartz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2004
Synergy between immune cells and adult neural stem/progenitor cells promotes functional recovery from spinal cord injury
Y Ziv, H Avidan, S Pluchino, G Martino, M Schwartz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (35), 13174-13179, 2006
Tracking the same neurons across multiple days in Ca2+ imaging data
L Sheintuch, A Rubin, N Brande-Eilat, N Geva, N Sadeh, O Pinchasof, ...
Cell reports 21 (4), 1102-1115, 2017
Induction and blockage of oligodendrogenesis by differently activated microglia in an animal model of multiple sclerosis
O Butovsky, G Landa, G Kunis, Y Ziv, H Avidan, N Greenberg, A Schwartz, ...
Journal of Clinical Investigation 116 (4), 905, 2006
Time-lapse imaging of disease progression in deep brain areas using fluorescence microendoscopy
RPJ Barretto, TH Ko, JC Jung, TJ Wang, G Capps, AC Waters, Y Ziv, ...
Nature medicine 17 (2), 223-228, 2011
Hippocampal ensemble dynamics timestamp events in long-term memory
A Rubin, N Geva, L Sheintuch, Y Ziv
elife 4, e12247, 2015
Maladaptation to mental stress mitigated by the adaptive immune system via depletion of naturally occurring regulatory CD4+ CD25+ cells
H Cohen, Y Ziv, M Cardon, Z Kaplan, MA Matar, Y Gidron, M Schwartz, ...
Journal of neurobiology 66 (6), 552-563, 2006
Immune-based regulation of adult neurogenesis: implications for learning and memory
Y Ziv, M Schwartz
Brain, behavior, and immunity 22 (2), 167-176, 2008
Representational drift in the mouse visual cortex
D Deitch, A Rubin, Y Ziv
Current biology 31 (19), 4327-4339. e6, 2021
Revealing neural correlates of behavior without behavioral measurements
A Rubin, L Sheintuch, N Brande-Eilat, O Pinchasof, Y Rechavi, N Geva, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4745, 2019
Vaccination as a novel approach for treating depressive behavior
GM Lewitus, A Wilf-Yarkoni, Y Ziv, M Shabat-Simon, R Gersner, A Zangen, ...
Biological psychiatry 65 (4), 283-288, 2009
Miniature microscopes for large-scale imaging of neuronal activity in freely behaving rodents
Y Ziv, KK Ghosh
Current opinion in neurobiology 32, 141-147, 2015
New GABAergic Interneurons Supported by Myelin‐Specific T Cells Are Formed in Intact Adult Spinal Cord
R Shechter, Y Ziv, M Schwartz
Stem Cells 25 (9), 2277-2282, 2007
Immunity to self and self-maintenance: a unified theory of brain pathologies
M Schwartz, Y Ziv
Trends in immunology 29 (5), 211-219, 2008
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