Julio Ramirez
Julio Ramirez
Karl Kettelhut Professor in Civil Engineering, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University
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Load transfer mechanisms between underground structure and surrounding ground: evaluation of the failure of the Daikai station
H Huo, A Bobet, G Fernández, J Ramírez
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 131 (12), 1522-1533, 2005
Minimum shear reinforcement in beams with higher strength concrete
MK Johnson, JA Ramirez
Structural Journal 86 (4), 376-382, 1989
Analytical solution for deep rectangular structures subjected to far-field shear stresses
H Huo, A Bobet, G Fernández, J Ramírez
Tunnelling and underground space technology 21 (6), 613-625, 2006
Experimental evaluation of design procedures for shear strength of deep reinfoced concrete beams
G Aguilar, AB Matamoros, G Parra-Montesinos, JA Ramírez, JK Wight
American Concrete Institute, 2002
Recent approaches to shear design of structural concrete
ASCE-ACI Committee 445 on Shear and Torsion
Journal of structural engineering 124 (12), 1375-1417, 1998
Visual data classification in post-event building reconnaissance
CM Yeum, SJ Dyke, J Ramirez
Engineering Structures 155, 16-24, 2018
Transfer, development, and splice length for strand/reinforcement in high-strength concrete
JA Ramirez, BW Russell
Transportation Research Board, 2008
Evaluation of a modified truss-model approach for beams in shear
JA Ramirez, JE Breen
Structural Journal 88 (5), 562-572, 1991
Detailing of stirrup reinforcement
NS Anderson, JA Ramirez
Structural Journal 86 (5), 507-515, 1989
Evaluation of soil-structure interaction and structural collapse in Daikai subway station during Kobe earthquake
GJ Parra-Montesinos, A Bobet, JA Ramirez
ACI Materials Journal 103 (1), 113, 2006
A practical iterative procedure to estimate seismic-induced deformations of shallow rectangular structures
A Bobet, G Fernandez, H Huo, J Ramirez
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 45 (7), 923-938, 2008
Strength of struts and nodes in strut-tie model
YM Yun, JA Ramirez
Journal of Structural Engineering 122 (1), 20-29, 1996
Re-evaluation of the ultimate shear behavior of high-strength concrete prestressed I-beams
MK Kaufman, JA Ramirez
Structural Journal 85 (3), 295-303, 1988
Displacement history effects on drift capacity of reinforced concrete columns
S Pujol, MA Sozen, JA Ramirez
ACI Materials Journal 103 (2), 253, 2006
Influence of Effective Depth on Shear Strength of Concrete Beams--Experimental Study.
LH Sneed, JA Ramirez
ACI Structural Journal 107 (5), 2010
Strut-Tie Approach in Pretensioned Beams
A Alshegeir, JA Ramirez
Structural Journal 89 (3), 296-304, 1992
Lunar lava tubes: Morphology to structural stability
AK Theinat, A Modiriasari, A Bobet, HJ Melosh, SJ Dyke, J Ramirez, ...
Icarus 338, 113442, 2020
Proposed design procedures for shear and torsion in reinforced and prestressed concrete
JA Ramirez, JE Breen
The Center, 1983
May 2003 Bingol earthquake engineering report
G Ozcebe, J Ramirez, TS Wasti, A Yakut
Performance of school buildings in Turkey during the 1999 Düzce and the 2003 Bingöl Earthquakes
T Gur, AC Pay, JA Ramirez, MA Sozen, AM Johnson, A Irfanoglu, A Bobet
Earthquake Spectra 25 (2), 239-256, 2009
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