Lynsey Bunnefeld (McInnes)
Lynsey Bunnefeld (McInnes)
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Guidelines for the use of acoustic indices in environmental research
T Bradfer‐Lawrence, N Gardner, L Bunnefeld, N Bunnefeld, SG Willis, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (10), 1796-1807, 2019
The latitudinal diversity gradient: novel understanding through mechanistic eco-evolutionary models
M Pontarp, L Bunnefeld, JS Cabral, RS Etienne, SA Fritz, R Gillespie, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 34 (3), 211-223, 2019
Survival and divergence in a small group: The extraordinary genomic history of the endangered Apennine brown bear stragglers
A Benazzo, E Trucchi, JA Cahill, P Maisano Delser, S Mona, M Fumagalli, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (45), E9589-E9597, 2017
Using targeted enrichment of nuclear genes to increase phylogenetic resolution in the neotropical rain forest genus Inga (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae)
JA Nicholls, RT Pennington, EJM Koenen, CE Hughes, J Hearn, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 710, 2015
How diversification rates and diversity limits combine to create large-scale species–area relationships
Y Kisel, L McInnes, NH Toomey, CDL Orme
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 366 …, 2011
Climatic niche conservatism and the evolutionary dynamics in species range boundaries: global congruence across mammals and amphibians
MÁ Olalla‐Tárraga, L McInnes, LM Bini, JAF Diniz‐Filho, SA Fritz, ...
Journal of Biogeography 38 (12), 2237-2247, 2011
Above-and belowground carbon stocks are decoupled in secondary tropical forests and are positively related to forest age and soil nutrients respectively
IL Jones, SJ DeWalt, OR Lopez, L Bunnefeld, Z Pattison, DH Dent
Science of the Total Environment 697, 133987, 2019
ABC inference of multi‐population divergence with admixture from unphased population genomic data
JD Robinson, L Bunnefeld, J Hearn, GN Stone, MJ Hickerson
Molecular ecology 23 (18), 4458-4471, 2014
Whole-genome data reveal the complex history of a diverse ecological community
L Bunnefeld, J Hearn, GN Stone, K Lohse
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (28), E6507-E6515, 2018
Connectivity with primary forest determines the value of secondary tropical forests for bird conservation
RJ Mayhew, JA Tobias, L Bunnefeld, DH Dent
Biotropica 51 (2), 219-233, 2019
Inferring bottlenecks from genome-wide samples of short sequence blocks
L Bunnefeld, LAF Frantz, K Lohse
Genetics 201 (3), 1157-1169, 2015
Likelihood‐based inference of population history from low‐coverage de novo genome assemblies
J Hearn, GN Stone, L Bunnefeld, JA Nicholls, NH Barton, K Lohse
Molecular Ecology 23 (1), 198-211, 2014
Woody lianas increase in dominance and maintain compositional integrity across an Amazonian dam-induced fragmented landscape
IL Jones, CA Peres, M Benchimol, L Bunnefeld, DH Dent
PLoS One 12 (10), e0185527, 2017
Branching patterns in phylogenies cannot distinguish diversity-dependent diversification from time-dependent diversification
T Pannetier, C Martinez, L Bunnefeld, RS Etienne
Evolution 75 (1), 25-38, 2021
Detecting shifts in diversity limits from molecular phylogenies: what can we know?
L McInnes, CDL Orme, A Purvis
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1722), 3294-3302, 2011
Where do species' geographic ranges stop and why? Landscape impermeability and the Afrotropical avifauna
L McInnes, A Purvis, CDL Orme
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1670), 3063-3070, 2009
Guidelines for the use of acoustic indices in environmental research. Methods Ecol Evol 10: 1796–1807
T Bradfer-Lawrence, N Gardner, L Bunnefeld, N Bunnefeld, SG Willis, ...
Integrating ecology into macroevolutionary research
L McInnes, WJ Baker, TG Barraclough, KK Dasmahapatra, A Goswami, ...
Biology letters 7 (5), 644-646, 2011
Instability of insular tree communities in an Amazonian mega‐dam is driven by impaired recruitment and altered species composition
IL Jones, CA Peres, M Benchimol, L Bunnefeld, DH Dent
Journal of applied ecology 56 (3), 779-791, 2019
Low‐coverage genomic data resolve the population divergence and gene flow history of an Australian rain forest fig wasp
L Cooper, L Bunnefeld, J Hearn, JM Cook, K Lohse, GN Stone
Molecular ecology 29 (19), 3649-3666, 2020
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