Rahul Dev Misra
Rahul Dev Misra
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar
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Straight vegetable oils usage in a compression ignition engine – A review
M R.D., M M.S.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (9), 3005-13, 2010
Thermoeconomic Optimization of a Single Effect Water/LiBr Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System
RD Misra, PK Sahoo, S Sahoo, A Gupta
International Journal of Refrigeration 26 (1), 158-169, 2003
Effect of reaction pathway and operating parameters on the deoxygenation of vegetable oils to produce diesel range hydrocarbon fuels: A review
BP Pattanaik, RD Misra
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73, 545-557, 2017
Experimental and computational evaluation of Savonius hydrokinetic turbine for low velocity condition with comparison to Savonius wind turbine at the same input power
NK Sarma, A Biswas, RD Misra
Energy conversion and management 83, 88-98, 2014
Exergetic analysis of a solar thermal power system
N Singh, SC Kaushik, RD Misra
Renewable energy 19 (1-2), 135-143, 2000
Blending of Additives with Bio-Diesels to Improve the Cold Flow Properties, Combustion and Emission Performance in a Compression Ignition Engine – A Review
M R.D., M M.S.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (1), 2413–22, 2011
Thermoeconomic Evaluation and Optimization of an Aqua-Ammonia Vapour-Absorption Refrigeration System
RD Misra, PK Sahoo, A Gupta
International Journal of Refrigeration 29 (1), 47-59, 2006
Investigation of self-starting and high rotor solidity on the performance of a three S1210 blade H-type Darrieus rotor
MA Singh, A Biswas, RD Misra
Renewable energy 76, 381-387, 2015
Performance, emission and combustion evaluation of soapnut oil–diesel blends in a compression ignition engine
RD Misra, MS Murthy
Fuel 90 (7), 2514-2518, 2011
Thermoeconomic Evaluation and Optimization of a Double-Effect H2O/LiBr Vapour-Absorption Refrigeration System
RD Misra, PK Sahoo, A Gupta
International Journal of Refrigeration 28 (3), 331-343, 2005
Numerical and experimental investigations on the performance of a serpentine microchannel with semicircular obstacles
SS Wangikar, PK Patowari, RD Misra
Microsystem Technologies 24 (8), 3307-3320, 2018
Experimental study of pool boiling heat transfer on copper surfaces with Cu-Al2O3 nanocomposite coatings
SK Gupta, RD Misra
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 97, 47-55, 2018
Effect of process parameters and optimization for photochemical machining of brass and german silver
SS Wangikar, PK Patowari, RD Misra
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 32 (15), 1747-1755, 2017
Effects of iron nanoparticle fuel additive on the performance and exhaust emissions of a compression ignition engine fueled with diesel and biodiesel
S Debbarma, RD Misra
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 10 (4), 041002, 2018
Salicylic acid changes plant growth parameters and proline metabolism in Rauwolfia serpentina leaves grown under salinity stress
N Misra, R Misra
Am Eurasian J Agric Environ Sci 12 (12), 1601-1609, 2012
Application of the Exergetic Cost Theory to the LiBr/H2O Vapour Absorption System
RD Misra, PK Sahoo, A Gupta
Energy-The International Journal 27 (11), 1009-1025, 2002
Jatropa-The future fuel of India
M R.D., M M.S.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2), 1350-1359, 2011
Salicylic Acid Alters Antioxidant and Phenolics Metabolism in Catharanthus roseus Grown Under Salinity Stress
M Neelam, M Rahul, M Ajiboye, Y Kafayat, Y Lateefat
African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines 11 …, 2014
CFD analysis of an innovative combined lift and drag (CLD) based modified Savonius water turbine
M Basumatary, A Biswas, RD Misra
Energy Conversion and Management 174, 72-87, 2018
An experimental investigation on pool boiling heat transfer enhancement using Cu-Al2O3 nano-composite coating
SK Gupta, RD Misra
Experimental Heat Transfer 32 (2), 133-158, 2019
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