José Maurício Simões Bento
José Maurício Simões Bento
Full Professor, University of Sao Paulo, ESALQ
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Controle biológico no Brasil: parasitóides e predadores
JRP Parra, PSM Botelho, BS Correa-Ferreira, JMS Bento
Editora Manole Ltda, 2002
Biology of Diaphorina citri (Hem., Psyllidae) on different hosts and at different temperatures
DE Nava, MLG Torres, MDL Rodrigues, JMS Bento, JRP Parra
Journal of Applied Entomology 131 (9‐10), 709-715, 2007
Weather forecasting by insects: modified sexual behaviour in response to atmospheric pressure changes
AC Pellegrino, MFGV Peñaflor, C Nardi, W Bezner-Kerr, CG Guglielmo, ...
PLoS ONE 8 (10), e75004, 2013
Tomato infection by whitefly-transmitted circulative and non-circulative viruses induce contrasting changes in plant volatiles and vector behaviour
A Fereres, MFGV Peñaflor, CF Favaro, KEX Azevedo, CH Landi, ...
Viruses 8 (8), 225, 2016
Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatiles Can Serve as Host Location Cues for a Generalist and a Specialist Egg Parasitoid
MFGV Peñaflor, M Erb, LA Miranda, AG Werneburg, JMS Bento
Journal of Chemical Ecology 37 (12), 1304-1313, 2011
Controle biológico: terminologia
JRP PARRA, PSM Botelho, BS Corrêa-Ferreira, JMS Bento
Controle biológico no Brasil: parasitóides e predadores. São Paulo: Manole, 1-16, 2002
Eye size and behaviour of day-and night-flying leafcutting ant alates
JC Moser, JD Reeve, JMS Bento, TMC Della Lucia, RS Cameron, ...
Journal of Zoology 264 (01), 69-75, 2004
Herbivore-induced plant volatiles to enhance biological control in agriculture
M Peñaflor, JMS Bento
Neotropical Entomology 42 (4), 331-343, 2013
Oviposition by a moth suppresses constitutive and herbivore-induced plant volatiles in maize
MFGV Penaflor, M Erb, CAM Robert, LA Miranda, AG Werneburg, ...
Planta 234, 207-215, 2011
β-caryophyllene emitted from a transgenic Arabidopsis or chemical dispenser repels Diaphorina citri, vector of Candidatus Liberibacters
B Alquézar, HXL Volpe, RF Magnani, MP Miranda, MA Santos, NA Wulff, ...
Scientific Reports 7, 5636, 2017
Unveiling the contribution of bee pollinators to Brazilian crops with implications for bee management
TC Giannini, DA Alves, R Alves, GD Cordeiro, AJ Campbell, M Awade, ...
Apidologie 51, 406–421, 2020
Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Female Moths Respond to Herbivore-Induced Corn Volatiles
AGC Signoretti, MFGV Peñaflor, JMS Bento
Neotropical Entomology 41 (1), 22-26, 2011
Queen signals in a stingless bee: suppression of worker ovary activation and spatial distribution of active compounds
TM Nunes, S Mateus, AP Favaris, MFZJ Amaral, LG von Zuben, ...
Scientific Reports 4, 7449, 2014
Female sex pheromone of the longhorn beetleMigdolus fryanus Westwood: N-(2′ S)-methylbutanoyl 2-methylbutylamine
WS Leal, JMS Bento, EF Vilela, TMC Della Lucia
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 50 (9), 853-856, 1994
First record of small hive beetle, Aethina tumida Murray, in South America
H Al Toufailia, DA Alves, DC Bena, JMS Bento, NSA Iwanicki, AR Cline, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 56 (1), 76-80, 2017
Controle biológico: Uma visão inter e multidisciplinar
JRP Parra, PSM Botelho, BS Corrêa-Ferreira, JMS Bento
Controle biológico no Brasil: parasitóides e predadores. São Paulo: Manole …, 2002
The dilemma of being a fragrant flower: the major floral volatile attracts pollinators and florivores in the euglossine-pollinated orchid Dichaea pendula
CEP Nunes, MFGV Peñaflor, JMS Bento, MJ Salvador, M Sazima
Oecologia 182, 933-946, 2016
Putative sex pheromone of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, breaks down into an attractant
OZ Zanardi, HXL Volpe, AP Favaris, WD Silva, RAG Luvizotto, ...
Scientific Reports 8, 455, 2018
Olfactory response of three parasitoid species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to volatiles of guavas infested or not with fruit fly larvae (Diptera: Tephritidae)
JWP Silva, JMS Bento, RA Zucchi
Biological Control 41 (3), 304-311, 2007
A Novel Interaction between Plant-Beneficial Rhizobacteria and Roots: Colonization Induces Corn Resistance against the Root Herbivore Diabrotica speciosa
F Santos, MFGV Peñaflor, PW Paré, PA Sanches, AC Kamiya, M Tonelli, ...
PLoS ONE 9 (11), e113280, 2014
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