Frank Hegel
Frank Hegel
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(S)he's Got the Look: Gender Stereotyping of Robots1
F Eyssel, F Hegel
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 42 (9), 2213-2230, 2012
Can machines think? Interaction and perspective taking with robots investigated via fMRI
S Krach, F Hegel, B Wrede, G Sagerer, F Binkofski, T Kircher
PloS one 3 (7), e2597, 2008
'If you sound like me, you must be more human' on the interplay of robot and user features on human-robot acceptance and anthropomorphism
F Eyssel, D Kuchenbrandt, S Bobinger, L De Ruiter, F Hegel
Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human …, 2012
Understanding social robots
F Hegel, C Muhl, B Wrede, M Hielscher-Fastabend, G Sagerer
2009 Second International Conferences on Advances in Computer-Human …, 2009
Social facilitation with social robots?
N Riether, F Hegel, B Wrede, G Horstmann
Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human …, 2012
Understanding social robots: A user study on anthropomorphism
F Hegel, S Krach, T Kircher, B Wrede, G Sagerer
RO-MAN 2008-the 17th IEEE international symposium on robot and human …, 2008
The bielefeld anthropomorphic robot head “Flobi”
I Lütkebohle, F Hegel, S Schulz, M Hackel, B Wrede, S Wachsmuth, ...
2010 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 3384-3391, 2010
Anthropomorphic inferences from emotional nonverbal cues: A case study
F Eyssel, F Hegel, G Horstmann, C Wagner
19th international symposium in robot and human interactive communication …, 2010
Playing a different imitation game: Interaction with an Empathic Android Robot
F Hegel, T Spexard, B Wrede, G Horstmann, T Vogt
2006 6th IEEE-RAS international conference on humanoid robots, 56-61, 2006
Activating elicited agent knowledge: How robot and user features shape the perception of social robots
F Eyssel, D Kuchenbrandt, F Hegel, L De Ruiter
2012 IEEE RO-MAN: The 21st IEEE international symposium on robot and human …, 2012
The social robot ‘flobi’: Key concepts of industrial design
F Hegel, F Eyssel, B Wrede
19th international symposium in robot and human interactive communication …, 2010
Effects of visual appearance on the attribution of applications in social robotics
F Hegel, M Lohse, B Wrede
RO-MAN 2009-The 18th IEEE International symposium on robot and human …, 2009
What can I do for you? Appearance and application of robots
M Lohse, F Hegel, A Swadzba, K Rohlfing, S Wachsmuth, B Wrede
Proceedings of AISB 7, 121-126, 2007
Towards a typology of meaningful signals and cues in social robotics
F Hegel, S Gieselmann, A Peters, P Holthaus, B Wrede
2011 RO-MAN, 72-78, 2011
Theory of mind (ToM) on robots: A functional neuroimaging study
F Hegel, S Krach, T Kircher, B Wrede, G Sagerer
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE international conference on Human robot …, 2008
Domestic applications for social robots: an online survey on the influence of appearance and capabilities
M Lohse, F Hegel, B Wrede
Red de Agentes Físicos, 2008
Effects of a robot's aesthetic design on the attribution of social capabilities
F Hegel
2012 IEEE RO-MAN: The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human …, 2012
Classes of applications for social robots: a user study
F Hegel, M Lohse, A Swadzba, S Wachsmuth, K Rohlfing, B Wrede
RO-MAN 2007-The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human …, 2007
Domestic Applications for social robots-a user study on appearance and function
M Lohse, F Hegel, B Wrede
Journal of Physical Agents 2, 2008
Direct imitation of human facial expressions by a user-interface robot
M Tscherepanow, M Hillebrand, F Hegel, B Wrede, F Kummert
2009 9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 154-160, 2009
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