Rodrigo Salazar-Gamarra
Rodrigo Salazar-Gamarra
Plus Identity Institute // Universidad Científica del Sur
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Monoscopic photogrammetry to obtain 3D models by a mobile device: a method for making facial prostheses
R Salazar-Gamarra, R Seelaus, JVL da Silva, AM da Silva, LL Dib
Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 45 (1), 33, 2016
Evaluation of attitudes and perceptions in students about the use of artificial intelligence in dentistry
M Karan-Romero, RE Salazar-Gamarra, XA Leon-Rios
Dentistry Journal 11 (5), 125, 2023
Quality of life assessment of patients utilizing orbital implant‐supported prostheses
FM de Oliveira, R Salazar‐Gamarra, D Öhman, U Nannmark, V Pecorari, ...
Clinical implant dentistry and related research 20 (4), 438-443, 2018
Evaluation of the 3D error of 2 face-scanning systems: An in vitro analysis
YNR Gallardo, R Salazar-Gamarra, L Bohner, JI De Oliveira, LL Dib, ...
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 129 (4), 630-636, 2023
UV irradiation as a disinfection method to reduce Covid-19 cross-contamination in dentistry: a scoping review
G Malateaux, R Salazar-Gamarra, LL Dib
J Dent Oral Hyg 3, 2020, 2020
Present and future of extraoral maxillofacial prosthodontics: Cancer rehabilitation
R Salazar-Gamarra, S Binasco, R Seelaus, LL Dib
Frontiers in oral health 3, 1003430, 2022
Color translation from monoscopic photogrammetry+ ID Methodology into a Polyjet final 3D printed facial prosthesis
R Salazar-Gamarra, A Cárdenas-Bocanegra, U Masch, CADC Moraes, ...
F1000Research 11, 582, 2022
Introdução à metodologia “mais identidade”: Próteses faciais 3D com a utilização de tecnologias acessíveis para pacientes sobreviventes de câncer no rosto
R Salazar-Gamarra, R Seelaus, JVL da Silva, L Dib, C Moraes
Comunicação Científica E Técnica Em Odontologia; Atena Editora: Ponta Grossa …, 2019
Ultraviolet C as a method of disinfecting medical silicone used in facial prostheses: An in vitro study
G Malateaux, R Salazar-Gamarra, J de Souza Silva, VGA Pecorari, ...
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 126 (3), 452. e1-452. e6, 2021
A digital method to fabricate the ocular portion of an orbital prosthesis with a smartphone camera, color calibration and digital printing
J Jauregui Ulloa, R Salazar‐Gamarra, AMM Mesquita, F Aguirre, LL Dib
Journal of Prosthodontics 30 (1), 91-94, 2021
A estética em reabilitação bucomaxilofacial
R Salazar-Gamarra, JAP de Oliveirab, LL Dibc
Revista APCD de Estética 3 (1), 42-52, 2015
Simple smartphone applications for superimposing 3D imagery in forensic dentistry
H Utomo, MSMA Ruth, LG Wangsa, R Salazar-Gamarra, LL Dib
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) 53 (1), 50-56, 2020
Three-dimensional printing and digital flow in human medicine: A review and state-of-the-art
R Salazar-Gamarra, H Contreras-Pulache, G Cruz-Gonzales, S Binasco, ...
Applied System Innovation 5 (6), 126, 2022
3D bitemark analysis in forensic odontology utilizing a smartphone camera and open-source monoscopic photogrammetry surface scanning
A Kurniawan, A Chusida, H Utomo, MI Marini, BN Rizky, BFW Prakoeswa, ...
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada 23, e220087, 2023
Multiresolution and displacement: modifier attribution to enhance realistic 3D photogrammetry for models of the face
RS Gamarra, C Moraes, ELS da Rosa, R Seelaus, JVL da Silva, L Dib
Biomed J Sci Technol Res 29 (5), 22812-7, 2020
Protocolo complementar para melhor resolução do nariz em fotogrametria 3d. Sep 2020
C Moraes, D Sobral, DW Duarte, GZ Cavalcanti, R Salazar-Gamarra, ...
URL: https://figshare. com/articles/book/Protocolo_Complementar_para …, 0
Evaluation of Different Techniques and Materials for Filling in 3-dimensional Printed Teeth Replicas with Perforating Internal Resorption by Means of Micro–Computed Tomography
AJS Torres-Carrillo, HC Assis, RE Salazar-Gamarra, LM Teodosio, ...
Journal of Endodontics 50 (2), 205-212, 2024
Protocolo complementar para melhor resolução do nariz em fotogrametria 3D
C Moraes, D Sobral, DW Duarte, GZ Cavalcanti, R Salazar-Gamarra, ...
OrtogOnLineMag. São Paulo, Brasil, 2020
Oculofacial prosthetic rehabilitation complemented with temporary fillers and neurotoxin
NGP Schnorr, R Salazar-Gamarra, DC Latuff, LL Dib
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 33 (5), e482-e488, 2022
Efficiency of+ IDonBlender photogrammetric tool in facial prosthetics rehabilitation–an evaluation study
MR Falih, FM Abed, R Salazar-Gamarra, LL Dib
Journal of Modern Science 7 (4), 16, 2021
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