Ashish Kumar Singh
Ashish Kumar Singh
Research scholar, NIT Silchar
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MVAPICH2-GPU: optimized GPU to GPU communication for InfiniBand clusters
H Wang, S Potluri, M Luo, AK Singh, S Sur, DK Panda
Computer Science-Research and Development 26 (3), 257-266, 2011
Flower crops: cultivation and management
AK Singh
new India publishing, 2006
Pharmacokinetics of bupropion and its metabolites in cigarette smokers versus nonsmokers
PH Hsyu, A Singh, TD Giargiari, JA Dunn, JA Ascher, JA Johnston
The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 37 (8), 737-743, 1997
Optimizing MPI communication on multi-GPU systems using CUDA inter-process communication
S Potluri, H Wang, D Bureddy, AK Singh, C Rosales, DK Panda
2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2012
Isolation, characterization and expression of a novel vegetative insecticidal protein gene of Bacillus thuringiensis
R Bhalla, M Dalal, SK Panguluri, B Jagadish, AD Mandaokar, AK Singh, ...
FEMS Microbiology Letters 243 (2), 467-472, 2005
Quantum key distribution protocols: a review
H Singh, DL Gupta, AK Singh
Journal of Computer Engineering 16 (2), 1-9, 2014
Therapeutic benefits of liquorice in dentistry
P Sidhu, S Shankargouda, A Rath, PH Ramamurthy, B Fernandes, ...
Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine 11 (1), 82-88, 2020
Optimized non-contiguous MPI datatype communication for GPU clusters: Design, implementation and evaluation with MVAPICH2
H Wang, S Potluri, M Luo, AK Singh, X Ouyang, S Sur, DK Panda
2011 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 308-316, 2011
Automatic measurement of blade length and rotation rate of drone using W-band micro-Doppler radar
AK Singh, YH Kim
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (5), 1895-1902, 2017
Noninvasive molecular neuroimaging using reporter genes: part I, principles revisited
TF Massoud, A Singh, SS Gambhir
American Journal of Neuroradiology 29 (2), 229-234, 2008
Prevalence of dental caries in 5-6 years and 12-13 years age group of school children of Kathmandu valley.
B Subedi, P Shakya, U Kc, M Jnawali, BD Paudyal, A Acharya, S Koirala, ...
Journal of the Nepal Medical Association 51 (184), 2011
Seasonal and circadian time-dependent dual action of GH on somatic growth and ovarian development in the Asian catfish, Clarias batrachus (Linn.): role of temperature
AK Singh, B Lal
General and Comparative Endocrinology 159 (1), 98-106, 2008
Potent, tumor-specific gene expression in an orthotopic hepatoma rat model using a Survivin-targeted, amplifiable adenoviral vector
BC Ahn, JA Ronald, YI Kim, R Katzenberg, A Singh, R Paulmurugan, ...
Gene therapy 18 (6), 606-612, 2011
Diversity analysis and evaluation of wild Abelmoschus species for agro-morphological traits and major biotic stresses under the north western agro-climatic …
KK Gangopadhyay, A Singh, MK Bag, P Ranjan, TV Prasad, A Roy, ...
Genetic resources and crop evolution 64, 775-790, 2017
MPI alltoall personalized exchange on GPGPU clusters: Design alternatives and benefit
AK Singh, S Potluri, H Wang, K Kandalla, S Sur, DK Panda
2011 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 420-427, 2011
Noninvasive molecular neuroimaging using reporter genes: part II, experimental, current, and future applications
TF Massoud, A Singh, SS Gambhir
American journal of neuroradiology 29 (3), 409-418, 2008
Numerical prediction of supersonic jet screech frequency
A Singh, A Chatterjee
Shock Waves 17, 263-272, 2007
SCS CN runoff estimation for vindhyachal region using remote sensing and GIS
A Topno, AK Singh, RC Vaishya
International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS 4 (1), 1214-1223, 2015
Resistive switching study in HfO2 based resistive memories by conductive atomic force microscopy in vacuum
AK Singh, S Blonkowski, M Kogelschatz
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (1), 2018
Treatment of glaucoma following penetrating keratoplasty with transscleral YAG cyclophotocoagulation
S Wheatcroft, A Singh, T Casey, J McAllister
International Ophthalmology 16, 397-400, 1992
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