Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Indu SatijaWeitere Informationen
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Geometric phase of a classical Aharonov–Bohm Hamiltonian
R Balakrishnan, II Satija
Physics Letters A 377 (15), 1095-1101, 2013
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
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Tuning the topology of p-wave superconductivity in an analytically solvable two-band model
IIS Haiping Hu , Erhai Zhao
Physical Rev B 102, 235156, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Quantum dynamics of solitons in strongly interacting systems on optical lattices
CP Rubbo, II Satija, WP Reinhardt, R Balakrishnan, AM Rey, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (5), 053617, 2012
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Chiral and counter-propagating Majorana fermions in a p-wave superconductor
H Hu, II Satija, E Zhao
New Journal of Physics 21 (12), 123014, 2019
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Cosine edge modes in a periodically driven quantum system
II Satija, E Zhao
Physical Review B 94 (24), 245128, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Solitons in a hard-core bosonic system: Gross–Pitaevskii type and beyond
R Balakrishnan, II Satija
Pramana 85, 1033-1055, 2015
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
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