Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Louis VerchotWeitere Informationen
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From Bacteria to Elephants: effects of land-use legacies on biodiversity and ecosystem processes in the Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem
LV Verchot, NL Ward, J Belnap, D Bossio, M Coughenour, J Gibson, ...
Serengeti IV: Sustaining biodiversity in a coupled human-natural system 195, 2015
Mandate: CGIAR
Verfügbar: 54
Global sequestration potential of increased organic carbon in cropland soils
RJ Zomer, DA Bossio, R Sommer, LV Verchot
Scientific reports 7 (1), 15554, 2017
Mandate: Chinese Academy of Sciences, CGIAR
Reducing emissions from agriculture to meet the 2 C target
E Wollenberg, M Richards, P Smith, P Havlík, M Obersteiner, FN Tubiello, ...
Global change biology 22 (12), 3859-3864, 2016
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council, CGIAR
Major atmospheric emissions from peat fires in Southeast Asia during non-drought years: evidence from the 2013 Sumatran fires
DLA Gaveau, MA Salim, K Hergoualc'h, B Locatelli, S Sloan, M Wooster, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 6112, 2014
Mandate: UK Natural Environment Research Council, CGIAR
Jatropha: from global hype to local opportunity
W Achten, W Maes, R Aerts, L Verchot, A Trabucco, E Mathijs, VP Singh, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 74 (1), 164-165, 2010
Mandate: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Agroforestry with N2-fixing trees: sustainable development's friend or foe?
TS Rosenstock, KL Tully, C Arias-Navarro, H Neufeldt, K Butterbach-Bahl, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 6, 15-21, 2014
Mandate: CGIAR
Fuelwood savings and carbon emission reductions by the use of improved cooking stoves in an Afromontane Forest, Ethiopia
E Dresen, B DeVries, M Herold, L Verchot, R Müller
Land 3 (3), 1137-1157, 2014
Mandate: CGIAR
Characterizing and evaluating the impacts of national land restoration initiatives on ecosystem services in Ethiopia
W Abera, L Tamene, D Tibebe, Z Adimassu, H Kassa, H Hailu, ...
Land Degradation & Development 31 (1), 37-52, 2020
Mandate: US Agency for International Development, CGIAR
Learning from REDD+: a response to Fletcher et al.
A Angelsen, M Brockhaus, AE Duchelle, A Larson, C Martius, ...
Conservation Biology 31 (3), 718-720, 2017
Mandate: US Department of Defense, CGIAR
Biodiversity and carbon stocks in different land use types in the Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso, West Africa
SD Dayamba, H Djoudi, M Zida, L Sawadogo, L Verchot
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 216, 61-72, 2016
Mandate: CGIAR
Impacts of land use and land cover dynamics on ecosystem services in the Yayo coffee forest biosphere reserve, southwestern Ethiopia
W Abera, L Tamene, T Kassawmar, K Mulatu, H Kassa, L Verchot, ...
Ecosystem Services 50, 101338, 2021
Mandate: CGIAR
Tropical deforestation drivers and associated carbon emission factors derived from remote sensing data
V De Sy, M Herold, F Achard, V Avitabile, A Baccini, S Carter, ...
Environmental Research Letters 14 (9), 094022, 2019
Mandate: US Agency for International Development
How do the heterotrophic and the total soil respiration of an oil palm plantation on peat respond to nitrogen fertilizer application?
LP Comeau, K Hergoualc'h, J Hartill, J Smith, LV Verchot, D Peak, ...
Geoderma 268, 41-51, 2016
Mandate: CGIAR
Gas pooling: a sampling technique to overcome spatial heterogeneity of soil carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide fluxes
C Arias-Navarro, E Díaz-Pinés, R Kiese, TS Rosenstock, MC Rufino, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 67, 20-23, 2013
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Total and heterotrophic soil respiration in a swamp forest and oil palm plantations on peat in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
K Hergoualc’h, DT Hendry, D Murdiyarso, LV Verchot
Biogeochemistry 135, 203-220, 2017
Mandate: CGIAR
Substantial N2O emissions from peat decomposition and N fertilization in an oil palm plantation exacerbated by hotspots
S Oktarita, K Hergoualc’h, S Anwar, LV Verchot
Environmental Research Letters 12 (10), 104007, 2017
Mandate: European Commission, CGIAR
Spatial variability of soil N2O and CO2 fluxes in different topographic positions in a tropical montane forest in Kenya
C Arias‐Navarro, E Díaz‐Pinés, S Klatt, P Brandt, MC Rufino, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122 (3), 514-527, 2017
Mandate: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, CGIAR
Global greenhouse gas implications of land conversion to biofuel crop cultivation in arid and semi-arid lands–Lessons learned from Jatropha
WMJ Achten, A Trabucco, WH Maes, LV Verchot, R Aerts, E Mathijs, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 98, 135-145, 2013
Mandate: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Soil carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from forests and other land use types in an African tropical montane region
I Wanyama, DE Pelster, K Butterbach-Bahl, LV Verchot, C Martius, ...
Biogeochemistry 143, 171-190, 2019
Mandate: CGIAR
Comparison of methods for quantifying soil carbon in tropical peats
J Farmer, R Matthews, P Smith, C Langan, K Hergoualc'h, L Verchot, ...
Geoderma 214, 177-183, 2014
Mandate: CGIAR
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