Robert Fleischer
Robert Fleischer
Senior Scientist, Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute
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Universal linker and ligation procedures for construction of genomic DNA libraries enriched for microsatellites.
MB Hamilton, EL Pincus, A Di Fiore, RC Fleischer
Biotechniques 27 (3), 500-2, 504-7, 1999
Predicting the global spread of H5N1 avian influenza
AM Kilpatrick, AA Chmura, DW Gibbons, RC Fleischer, PP Marra, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (51), 19368-19373, 2006
Emerging vectors in the Culex pipiens complex
DM Fonseca, N Keyghobadi, CA Malcolm, C Mehmet, F Schaffner, ...
Science 303 (5663), 1535-1538, 2004
Multilocus resolution of phylogeny and timescale in the extant adaptive radiation of Hawaiian honeycreepers
HRL Lerner, M Meyer, HF James, M Hofreiter, RC Fleischer
Current Biology 21 (21), 1838-1844, 2011
Evolution on a volcanic conveyor belt: using phylogeographic reconstructions and K–Ar‐based ages of the Hawaiian Islands to estimate molecular evolutionary rates
RC Fleischer, CE McIntosh, CL Tarr
Molecular Ecology 7 (4), 533-545, 1998
Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics
S Feng, J Stiller, Y Deng, J Armstrong, Q Fang, AH Reeve, D Xie, G Chen, ...
Nature 587 (7833), 252-257, 2020
Global phylogeographic limits of Hawaii's avian malaria
JS Beadell, F Ishtiaq, R Covas, M Melo, BH Warren, CT Atkinson, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1604), 2935-2944, 2006
Multiple independent transpositions of mitochondrial DNA control region sequences to the nucleus
MD Sorenson, RC Fleischer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (26), 15239-15243, 1996
Prevalence and differential host‐specificity of two avian blood parasite genera in the Australo‐Papuan region
JS Beadell, E Gering, J Austin, JP Dumbacher, MA Peirce, TK Pratt, ...
Molecular Ecology 13 (12), 3829-3844, 2004
A multilocus molecular phylogeny of the parrots (Psittaciformes): support for a Gondwanan origin during the Cretaceous
TF Wright, EE Schirtzinger, T Matsumoto, JR Eberhard, GR Graves, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 25 (10), 2141-2156, 2008
Vocal dialects and their possible relation to honest status signalling in the brown-headed cowbird
SI Rothstein, RC Fleischer
The Condor 89 (1), 1-23, 1987
Comparing adaptive radiations across space, time, and taxa
RG Gillespie, GM Bennett, L De Meester, JL Feder, RC Fleischer, ...
Journal of Heredity 111 (1), 1-20, 2020
Animal DNA in PCR reagents plagues ancient DNA research
JA Leonard, O Shanks, M Hofreiter, E Kreuz, L Hodges, W Ream, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 34 (9), 1361-1366, 2007
A noninvasive method for distinguishing among canid species: amplification and enzyme restriction of DNA from dung
E Paxinos, C McIntosh, K Ralls, R Fleischer
Molecular ecology 6 (5), 483-486, 1997
Scientific evaluation of the status of the Northern Spotted Owl
SP Courtney, JA Blakesley, RE Bigley, ML Cody, JP Dumbacher, ...
Sustainable Ecosystems Institute, Portland, Oregon, 2004
Impact of a population bottleneck on symmetry and genetic diversity in the northern elephant seal
AR Hoelzel, RC Fleischer, C Campagna, BJ Le Boeuf, G Alvord
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15 (4), 567-575, 2002
Social dominance, mating and spacing systems, female fecundity, and vocal dialects in captive and free-ranging brown-headed cowbirds
SI Rothstein, DA Yokel, RC Fleischer
Current Ornithology: Volume 3, 127-185, 1986
Phylogeography of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) based on mitochondrial DNA
RC Fleischer, EA Perry, K Muralidharan, EE Stevens, CM Wemmer
Evolution 55 (9), 1882-1892, 2001
Mitochondrial phylogenomics of modern and ancient equids
JT Vilstrup, A Seguin-Orlando, M Stiller, A Ginolhac, M Raghavan, ...
PloS one 8 (2), e55950, 2013
Prevalence and diversity of avian hematozoan parasites in Asia: a regional survey
F Ishtiaq, E Gering, JH Rappole, AR Rahmani, YV Jhala, CJ Dove, ...
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 43 (3), 382-398, 2007
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