Bruno Dallagiovanna
Bruno Dallagiovanna
Instituto Carlos Chagas, FIOCRUZ-PR
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Swine and Poultry Pathogens: the Complete Genome Sequences of Two Strains of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and a Strain of Mycoplasma synoviae
ATR Vasconcelos, HB Ferreira, CV Bizarro, SL Bonatto, MO Carvalho, ...
Journal of bacteriology 187 (16), 5568-5577, 2005
Ribosome profiling reveals translation control as a key mechanism generating differential gene expression in Trypanosoma cruzi
P Smircich, G Eastman, S Bispo, MA Duhagon, EP Guerra-Slompo, ...
BMC genomics 16, 1-14, 2015
Adipogenesis, osteogenesis, and chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells: a comparative transcriptome approach
AW Robert, BH Marcon, B Dallagiovanna, P Shigunov
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology 8, 561, 2020
Proteomic analysis of metacyclic trypomastigotes undergoing Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclogenesis
A Parodi‐Talice, V Monteiro‐Goes, N Arrambide, AR Avila, R Duran, ...
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 42 (11), 1422-1432, 2007
A developmentally regulated gene of Echinococcus granulosus codes for a 15.5-kilodalton polypeptide related to fatty acid binding proteins
A Esteves, B Dallagiovanna, R Ehrlich
Molecular and biochemical parasitology 58 (2), 215-222, 1993
Stage-specific gene expression during Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclogenesis
AR Ávila, B Dallagiovanna, SF Yamada-Ogatta, V Monteiro-Góes, ...
Genet Mol Res 2 (1), 159-168, 2003
Functional genomic characterization of mRNAs associated with TcPUF6, a pumilio-like protein from Trypanosoma cruzi
B Dallagiovanna, A Correa, CM Probst, F Holetz, P Smircich, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (13), 8266-8273, 2008
Polysome profiling shows extensive posttranscriptional regulation during human adipocyte stem cell differentiation into adipocytes
L Spangenberg, P Shigunov, APR Abud, AR Cofré, MA Stimamiglio, ...
Stem cell research 11 (2), 902-912, 2013
Protein and mRNA content of TcDHH1‐containing mRNPs in Trypanosoma cruzi
FB Holetz, LR Alves, CM Probst, B Dallagiovanna, FK Marchini, ...
The FEBS Journal 277 (16), 3415-3426, 2010
Characterization of a 21 kDa protein from Trypanosoma cruzi associated with mammalian cell invasion
CV da Silva, SY Kawashita, CM Probst, B Dallagiovanna, MC Cruz, ...
Microbes and infection 11 (5), 563-570, 2009
Molecular characterization of a P-glycoprotein-related tcpgp2 gene in Trypanosoma cruzi
B Dallagiovanna, F Gamarro, S Castanys
Molecular and biochemical parasitology 75 (2), 145-157, 1996
Metabolic switches during the first steps of adipogenic stem cells differentiation
DL Drehmer, AM de Aguiar, AP Brandt, L Petiz, SMSC Cadena, ...
Stem cell research 17 (2), 413-421, 2016
Are purified or expanded cord blood-derived CD133+ cells better at improving cardiac function?
AC Senegaglia, LA Barboza, B Dallagiovanna, CAM Aita, P Hansen, ...
Experimental Biology and Medicine 235 (1), 119-129, 2010
The epigenetic modifiers 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine and trichostatin A influence adipocyte differentiation in human mesenchymal stem cells
J Zych, MA Stimamiglio, AC Senegaglia, PRS Brofman, B Dallagiovanna, ...
Brazilian journal of medical and biological research 46 (5), 405-416, 2013
PUMILIO-2 is involved in the positive regulation of cellular proliferation in human adipose-derived stem cells
P Shigunov, J Sotelo-Silveira, C Kuligovski, AM de Aguiar, CK Rebelatto, ...
Stem cells and development 21 (2), 217-227, 2012
Small-Subunit rRNA Processome Proteins Are Translationally Regulated during Differentiation of Trypanosoma cruzi
SC Nardelli, AR Avila, A Freund, MC Motta, L Manhaes, TCL de Jesus, ...
Eukaryotic cell 6 (2), 337-345, 2007
The use of human adipose-derived stem cells based cytotoxicity assay for acute toxicity test
APR Abud, J Zych, TL Reus, C Kuligovski, E de Moraes, B Dallagiovanna, ...
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 73 (3), 992-998, 2015
Trypanosoma cruzi: a stage-specific calpain-like protein is induced after various kinds of stress
V Giese, B Dallagiovanna, FK Marchini, DP Pavoni, MA Krieger, ...
Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 103, 598-601, 2008
TcZFP1: a CCCH zinc finger protein of Trypanosoma cruzi that binds poly-C oligoribonucleotides in vitro
PA Mörking, BM Dallagiovanna, L Foti, B Garat, GFA Picchi, ACS Umaki, ...
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 319 (1), 169-177, 2004
Long non-coding RNAs are differentially expressed after different exercise training programs
B Bonilauri, B Dallagiovanna
Frontiers in Physiology 11, 567614, 2020
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