Gilda Currenti
Gilda Currenti
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Temperature-dependent viscoelastic modeling of ground deformation: Application to Etna volcano during the 1993–1997 inflation period
C Del Negro, G Currenti, D Scandura
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 172 (3-4), 299-309, 2009
Fibre optic distributed acoustic sensing of volcanic events
P Jousset, G Currenti, B Schwarz, A Chalari, F Tilmann, T Reinsch, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1753, 2022
Modelling of ground deformation and gravity fields using finite element method: an application to Etna volcano
G Currenti, C Del Negro, G Ganci
Geophysical Journal International 169 (2), 775-786, 2007
Soil radon measurements as a potential tracer of tectonic and volcanic activity
M Neri, E Ferrera, S Giammanco, G Currenti, R Cirrincione, G Patanè, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 24581, 2016
Multifractality in local geomagnetic field at Etna volcano, Sicily (southern Italy)
G Currenti, C Del Negro, V Lapenna, L Telesca
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 5 (4), 555-559, 2005
Volcanomagnetic changes accompanying the onset of the 2002–2003 eruption of Mt. Etna (Italy)
C Del Negro, G Currenti, R Napoli, A Vicari
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 229 (1-2), 1-14, 2004
Numerical modeling of deformation and stress fields around a magma chamber: Constraints on failure conditions and rheology
G Currenti, CA Williams
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 226, 14-27, 2014
Dynamics of a lava fountain revealed by geophysical, geochemical and thermal satellite measurements: The case of the 10 April 2011 Mt Etna eruption
A Bonaccorso, T Caltabiano, G Currenti, C Del Negro, S Gambino, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (24), 2011
Elasto-plastic modeling of volcano ground deformation
G Currenti, A Bonaccorso, C Del Negro, D Scandura, E Boschi
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 296 (3-4), 311-318, 2010
Microgravity changes at the Laguna del Maule volcanic field: Magma‐induced stress changes facilitate mass addition
CA Miller, H Le Mével, G Currenti, G Williams‐Jones, B Tikoff
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (4), 3179-3196, 2017
Magma storage, eruptive activity and flank instability: Inferences from ground deformation and gravity changes during the 1993–2000 recharging of Mt. Etna volcano
A Bonaccorso, A Bonforte, G Currenti, C Del Negro, A Di Stefano, F Greco
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 200 (3-4), 245-254, 2011
Volcanomagnetic evidence of the magmatic intrusion on 13th May 2008 Etna eruption
R Napoli, G Currenti, C Del Negro, F Greco, D Scandura
Geophysical research letters 35 (22), 2008
Combining relative and absolute gravity measurements to enhance volcano monitoring
F Greco, G Currenti, G D’Agostino, A Germak, R Napoli, A Pistorio, ...
Bulletin of volcanology 74, 1745-1756, 2012
Interaction of volcano-tectonic fault with magma storage, intrusion and flank instability: A thirty years study at Mt. Etna volcano
A Bonaccorso, G Currenti, C Del Negro
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 251, 127-136, 2013
Long‐term stress‐strain analysis of volcano flank instability: The eastern sector of Etna from 1980 to 2012
S Alparone, A Bonaccorso, A Bonforte, G Currenti
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (9), 5098-5108, 2013
From source to surface: Dynamics of Etna’s lava fountains investigated by continuous strain, magnetic, ground and satellite thermal data
A Bonaccorso, S Calvari, G Currenti, C Del Negro, G Ganci, A Linde, ...
Bulletin of volcanology 75, 1-12, 2013
New data from borehole strainmeters to infer lava fountain sources (Etna 2011–2012)
A Bonaccorso, G Currenti, A Linde, S Sacks
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (14), 3579-3584, 2013
Volcanomagnetic signals associated with the 2001 flank eruption of Mt. Etna (Italy)
C Del Negro, G Currenti
Geophysical research letters 30 (7), 2003
The borehole dilatometer network of Mount Etna: A powerful tool to detect and infer volcano dynamics
A Bonaccorso, A Linde, G Currenti, S Sacks, A Sicali
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (6), 4655-4669, 2016
Dike deflection modelling for inferring magma pressure and withdrawal, with application to Etna 2001 case
A Bonaccorso, G Currenti, C Del Negro, E Boschi
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 293 (1-2), 121-129, 2010
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