K David Coates
K David Coates
Research Silviculturist (Retired)
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A critique of silviculture: managing for complexity
KJ Puettmann, KD Coates, CC Messier
Island press, 2012
A neighborhood analysis of canopy tree competition: effects of shading versus crowding
CD Canham, PT LePage, KD Coates
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (4), 778-787, 2004
Is an unprecedented Dothistroma needle blight epidemic related to climate change?
A Woods, KD Coates, A Hamann
BioScience 55 (9), 761-769, 2005
A gap-based approach for development of silvicultural systems to address ecosystem management objectives
KD Coates, PJ Burton
Forest ecology and Management 99 (3), 337-354, 1997
Managing forests as complex adaptive systems: building resilience to the challenge of global change
C Messier, KJ Puettmann, KD Coates
Routledge, 2013
Models of sapling mortality as a function of growth to characterize interspecific variation in shade tolerance of eight tree species of northwestern British Columbia
RK Kobe, KD Coates
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27 (2), 227-236, 1997
Species variability in growth response to light across climatic regions in northwestern British Columbia
EF Wright, KD Coates, CD Canham, P Bartemucci
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28 (6), 871-886, 1998
Competition and tree crowns: a neighborhood analysis of three boreal tree species
HC Thorpe, R Astrup, A Trowbridge, KD Coates
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (8), 1586-1596, 2010
Viewing forests through the lens of complex systems science
E Filotas, L Parrott, PJ Burton, RL Chazdon, KD Coates, L Coll, ...
Ecosphere 5 (1), 1-23, 2014
Tree recruitment in gaps of various size, clearcuts and undisturbed mixed forest of interior British Columbia, Canada
KD Coates
Forest ecology and management 155 (1-3), 387-398, 2002
Conifer seedling response to northern temperate forest gaps
KD Coates
Forest Ecology and Management 127 (1-3), 249-269, 2000
Growth and crown morphological responses of boreal conifer seedlings and saplings with contrasting shade tolerance to a gradient of light and height
Y Claveau, C Messier, PG Comeau, KD Coates
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32 (3), 458-468, 2002
Seed abundance versus substrate limitation of seedling recruitment in northern temperate forests of British Columbia
PT LePage, CD Canham, KD Coates, P Bartemucci
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30 (3), 415-427, 2000
Use of a spatially explicit individual-tree model (SORTIE/BC) to explore the implications of patchiness in structurally complex forests
KD Coates, CD Canham, M Beaudet, DL Sachs, C Messier
Forest Ecology and Management 186 (1-3), 297-310, 2003
Autecology of common plants in British Columbia: a literature review.
S Haeussler, D Coates, J Mather
Above‐versus below‐ground competitive effects and responses of a guild of temperate tree species
KD Coates, CD Canham, PT LePage
Journal of Ecology 97 (1), 118-130, 2009
Measurement and modeling of spatially explicit variation in light transmission through interior cedar-hemlock forests of British Columbia
CD Canham, KD Coates, P Bartemucci, S Quaglia
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29 (11), 1775-1783, 1999
Sapling size influences shade tolerance ranking among southern boreal tree species
DD Kneeshaw, RK Kobe, KD Coates, C Messier
Journal of ecology, 471-480, 2006
Effects of suppression and release on sapling growth for 11 tree species of northern, interior British Columbia
EF Wright, CD Canham, KD Coates
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30 (10), 1571-1580, 2000
An evaluation of alternative dispersal functions for trees
DF Greene, CD Canham, KD Coates, PT Lepage
Journal of Ecology, 758-766, 2004
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