Philippe Gorce
Philippe Gorce
International Institute for Biomechanics and Occupational Ergonomics, Université de Toulon
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Interaction techniques for older adults using touchscreen devices: a literature review
LG Motti, N Vigouroux, P Gorce
Proceedings of the 25th conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, 125-134, 2013
Biomechanical study of grasping according to the volume of the object: human versus non-human primates
E Pouydebat, P Gorce, Y Coppens, V Bels
Journal of biomechanics 42 (3), 266-272, 2009
Prevalence of body area work-related musculoskeletal disorders among healthcare professionals: a systematic review
J Jacquier-Bret, P Gorce
International journal of environmental research and public health 20 (1), 841, 2023
The effects of rear-wheel camber on the mechanical parameters produced during the wheelchair sprinting of handibasketball athletes.
A Faupin, P Campillo, T Weissland, P Gorce, A Thevenon
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 41, 2004
Diversity of grip in adults and young humans and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
E Pouydebat, E Reghem, A Borel, P Gorce
Behavioural Brain Research 218 (1), 21-28, 2011
Evolution of grasping among anthropoids
E Pouydebat, M Laurin, P Gorce, V Bels
Journal of evolutionary biology 21 (6), 1732-1743, 2008
Changes in swimming technique during time to exhaustion at freely chosen and controlled stroke rates
M Alberty, F Potdevin, J Dekerle, P Pelayo, P Gorce, M Sidney
Journal of Sports Sciences 26 (11), 1191-1200, 2008
Analysis of several methods and inertial sensors locations to assess gait parameters in able-bodied subjects
KB Mansour, N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Gait & posture 42 (4), 409-414, 2015
Surface electromyography activity of upper limb muscle during wheelchair propulsion: Influence of wheelchair configuration
N Louis, P Gorce
Clinical Biomechanics 25 (9), 879-885, 2010
A biomechanical analysis of handcycling: a case study
A Faupin, P Gorce, E Watelain, C Meyer, A Thevenon
Journal of applied biomechanics 26 (2), 240-245, 2010
Wheelchair propulsion kinematics in beginners and expert users: Influence of wheelchair settings
P Gorce, N Louis
Clinical Biomechanics 27 (1), 7-15, 2012
Alternative movement identification in the automobile ingress and egress for young and elderly population with or without prostheses
MOA El Menceur, P Pudlo, P Gorce, A Thévenon, FX Lepoutre
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 38 (11-12), 1078-1087, 2008
Constant versus variable-intensity during cycling: effects on subsequent running performance
T Bernard, F Vercruyssen, C Mazure, P Gorce, C Hausswirth, ...
European journal of applied physiology 99, 103-111, 2007
Kinematic analysis of handbike propulsion in various gear ratios: implications for joint pain
A Faupin, P Gorce, P Campillo, A Thevenon, O Remy-Neris
Clinical biomechanics 21 (6), 560-566, 2006
Grasping, coordination and optimal force distribution in multifingered mechanisms
P Gorce, C Villard, JG Fontaine
Robotica 12 (3), 243-251, 1994
Reproducibility of performance in three types of training test in swimming
M Alberty, M Sidney, F Huot-Marchand, J Dekerle, L Bosquet, P Gorce, ...
International journal of sports medicine 27 (08), 623-628, 2006
Prediction of fingers posture using artificial neural networks
N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Journal of biomechanics 41 (12), 2743-2749, 2008
Effects of backrest positioning and gear ratio on nondisabled subjects' handcycling sprinting performance and kinematics.
A Faupin, P Gorce, C Meyer, A Thevenon
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 45 (1), 2008
Dynamic postural control method for biped in unknown environment
P Gorce
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 1999
An individual and dynamic body segment inertial parameter validation method using ground reaction forces
C Hansen, G Venture, N Rezzoug, P Gorce, B Isableu
Journal of biomechanics 47 (7), 1577-1581, 2014
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