Kobi Peleg
Kobi Peleg
Professor of Disaster & Emergency Management
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Gunshot and explosion injuries: characteristics, outcomes, and implications for care of terror-related injuries in Israel
K Peleg, L Aharonson-Daniel, M Stein, M Michaelson, Y Kluger, D Simon, ...
Annals of surgery 239 (3), 311-318, 2004
A geographic information system simulation model of EMS: reducing ambulance response time
K Peleg, JS Pliskin
The American journal of emergency medicine 22 (3), 164-170, 2004
Self-isolation compliance in the covid-19 era influenced by compensation: Findings from a recent survey in israel: Public attitudes toward the covid-19 outbreak and self …
M Bodas, K Peleg
Health affairs 39 (6), 936-941, 2020
The special injury pattern in terrorist bombings
Y Kluger, K Peleg, L Daniel-Aharonson, A Mayo, Israeli Trauma Group
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 199 (6), 875-879, 2004
Patterns of injury in hospitalized terrorist victims
K Peleg, L Aharonson-Daniel, M Michael, SC Shapira, ...
The American journal of emergency medicine 21 (4), 258-262, 2003
Traumatic brain injury: it is all about definition
B Savitsky, A Givon, M Rozenfeld, I Radomislensky, K Peleg
Brain injury 30 (10), 1194-1200, 2016
Burns in Israel: demographic, etiologic and clinical trends, 1997-2003
J Haik, A Liran, A Tessone, A Givon, A Orenstein, K Peleg, ...
Isr Med Assoc J 9 (9), 659-62, 2007
Early disaster response in Haiti: the Israeli field hospital experience
Y Kreiss, O Merin, K Peleg, G Levy, S Vinker, R Sagi, A Abargel, C Bartal, ...
Annals of internal medicine 153 (1), 45-48, 2010
Unilateral flail chest is seldom a lethal injury
JB Borman, L Aharonson-Daniel, B Savitsky, K Peleg
Emergency medicine journal 23 (12), 903-905, 2006
Epidemiology of terror-related versus non-terror-related traumatic injury in children
L Aharonson-Daniel, Y Waisman, YL Dannon, K Peleg, ...
Pediatrics 112 (4), e280-e280, 2003
In-hospital resource utilization during multiple casualty incidents
S Einav, L Aharonson-Daniel, C Weissman, HR Freund, K Peleg, ...
Annals of surgery 243 (4), 533-540, 2006
The casualties from electric bike and motorized scooter road accidents
M Siman-Tov, I Radomislensky, Israel Trauma Group, K Peleg
Traffic injury prevention 18 (3), 318-323, 2017
Anxiety-inducing media: The effect of constant news broadcasting on the well-being of Israeli television viewers
M Bodas, M Siman-Tov, K Peleg, Z Solomon
Psychiatry 78 (3), 265-276, 2015
Suicide bombers form a new injury profile
L Aharonson-Daniel, Y Klein, K Peleg
Annals of surgery 244 (6), 1018-1023, 2006
Lessons from Boston
AL Kellermann, K Peleg
New England Journal of Medicine 368 (21), 1956-1957, 2013
Burn prevention programs for children: do they reduce burn-related hospitalizations?
K Peleg, S Goldman, F Sikron
Burns 31 (3), 347-350, 2005
Increased survival among severe trauma patients: the impact of a national trauma system
K Peleg, L Aharonson-Daniel, M Stein, Y Kluger, M Michaelson, A Rivkind, ...
Archives of Surgery 139 (11), 1231-1236, 2004
The COVID-19 pandemic challenge to the All-Hazards Approach for disaster planning
K Peleg, M Bodas, AJ Hertelendy, TD Kirsch
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 55, 102103, 2021
Utstein-style template for uniform data reporting of acute medical response in disasters
M Debacker, I Hubloue, E Dhondt, G Rockenschaub, A Rüter, T Codreanu, ...
PLoS currents 4, e4f6cf3e8df15a, 2012
Does body armor protect from firearm injuries?
K Peleg, A Rivkind, L Aharonson-Daniel, Israeli Trauma Group
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 202 (4), 643-648, 2006
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