Vincent Maire
Vincent Maire
Professor of Ecosystem Science, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
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TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz, S Lavorel, IC Prentice, P Leadley, ...
Global change biology 26 (1), 119-188, 2020
Global ecosystem thresholds driven by aridity
M Berdugo, M Delgado-Baquerizo, S Soliveres, R Hernández-Clemente, ...
Science 367 (6479), 787-790, 2020
Global climatic drivers of leaf size
IJ Wright, N Dong, V Maire, IC Prentice, M Westoby, S Díaz, RV Gallagher, ...
Science 357 (6354), 917-921, 2017
Fungi mediate long term sequestration of carbon and nitrogen in soil through their priming effect
S Fontaine, C Hénault, A Aamor, N Bdioui, JMG Bloor, V Maire, B Mary, ...
Soil biology and Biochemistry 43 (1), 86-96, 2011
Balancing the costs of carbon gain and water transport: testing a new theoretical framework for plant functional ecology
IC Prentice, N Dong, SM Gleason, V Maire, IJ Wright
Ecology letters 17 (1), 82-91, 2014
Global effects of soil and climate on leaf photosynthetic traits and rates
V Maire, IJ Wright, IC Prentice, NH Batjes, R Bhaskar, PM van Bodegom, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (6), 706-717, 2015
Habitat filtering and niche differentiation jointly explain species relative abundance within grassland communities along fertility and disturbance gradients
V Maire, N Gross, L Börger, R Proulx, C Wirth, LS Pontes, JF Soussana, ...
New Phytologist 196 (2), 497-509, 2012
Early stage litter decomposition across biomes
I Djukic, et al.
Science of the Total Environment, 2018
Testing the environmental filtering concept in global drylands
Y Le Bagousse‐Pinguet, N Gross, FT Maestre, V Maire, F de Bello, ...
Journal of Ecology 105 (4), 1058-1069, 2017
Global photosynthetic capacity is optimized to the environment
NG Smith, TF Keenan, I Colin Prentice, H Wang, IJ Wright, Ü Niinemets, ...
Ecology letters 22 (3), 506-517, 2019
A test of the ‘one‐point method’for estimating maximum carboxylation capacity from field‐measured, light‐saturated photosynthesis
MG De Kauwe, YS Lin, IJ Wright, BE Medlyn, KY Crous, DS Ellsworth, ...
New Phytologist 210 (3), 1130-1144, 2016
Trade‐off between root nitrogen acquisition and shoot nitrogen utilization across 13 co‐occurring pasture grass species
V Maire, N Gross, L da Silveira Pontes, C Picon‐Cochard, JF Soussana
Functional Ecology 23 (4), 668-679, 2009
The Coordination of Leaf Photosynthesis Links C and N Fluxes in C3 Plant Species
V Maire, P Martre, J Kattge, F Gastal, G Esser, S Fontaine, JF Soussana
PloS one 7 (6), e38345, 2012
Universality of priming effect: An analysis using thirty five soils with contrasted properties sampled from five continents
N Perveen, S Barot, V Maire, MF Cotrufo, T Shahzad, E Blagodatskaya, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 134, 162-171, 2019
Ecological and economic benefits of low‐intensity urban lawn management
CJ Watson, L Carignan‐Guillemette, C Turcotte, V Maire, R Proulx
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (2), 436-446, 2020
Climate and soils together regulate photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination within C3 plants worldwide
WK Cornwell, IJ Wright, J Turner, V Maire, MM Barbour, LA Cernusak, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (9), 1056-1067, 2018
Root penetration in deep soil layers stimulates mineralization of millennia-old organic carbon
T Shahzad, MI Rashid, V Maire, S Barot, N Perveen, G Alvarez, C Mougin, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 124, 150-160, 2018
Grass strategies and grassland community responses to environmental drivers: a review
LS Pontes, V Maire, J Schellberg, F Louault
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2015
The role of plant traits and their plasticity in the response of pasture grasses to nutrients and cutting frequency
L da Silveira Pontes, F Louault, P Carrere, V Maire, D Andueza, ...
Annals of botany 105 (6), 957-965, 2010
An unknown oxidative metabolism substantially contributes to soil CO2 emissions
V Maire, G Alvarez, J Colombet, A Comby, R Despinasse, E Dubreucq, ...
Biogeosciences 10 (2), 1155-1167, 2013
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