maria filomena Gaspar
maria filomena Gaspar
Professor of Family Education, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences,University of Coimbra, Portugal
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Parental burnout around the globe: A 42-country study
I Roskam, J Aguiar, E Akgun, G Arikan, M Artavia, H Avalosse, K Aunola, ...
Affective science 2 (1), 58-79, 2021
Incredible years® parent, teachers and children's series: transportability to Portugal of early intervention programs for preventing conduct problems and promoting social and …
C Webster-Stratton, MF Gaspar, MJ Seabra-Santos
Psychosocial Intervention 21 (2), 157-169, 2012
The use of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in Southern European countries
GM Marzocchi, C Capron, M Di Pietro, E Duran Tauleria, M Duyme, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry 13, ii40-ii46, 2004
Perspectives of early childhood teachers on parent–teacher partnerships in five European countries
E Hujala, L Turja, MF Gaspar, M Veisson, M Waniganayake
European early childhood education research journal 17 (1), 57-76, 2009
Parental burnout and the COVID‐19 pandemic: How Portuguese parents experienced lockdown measures
J Aguiar, M Matias, AC Braz, F César, S Coimbra, MF Gaspar, ...
Family Relations 70 (4), 927-938, 2021
Imprevisibilidade familiar e suas implicações no desenvolvimento individual e familiar
M Alarcão, MF Gaspar
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto) 17, 89-102, 2007
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevalence in Lisbon, Portugal: the burden of obstructive lung disease study
C Barbara, F Rodrigues, H Dias, J Cardoso, J Almeida, MJ Matos, ...
Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition) 19 (3), 96-105, 2013
Avaliação de intervenções de educação parental: Relatório 2007-2010
I Abreu-Lima, M Alarcão, AT de Almeida, MT Brandão, O Cruz, MF Gaspar, ...
Incredible Years parent training: What changes, for whom, how, for how long?
MJ Seabra-Santos, MF Gaspar, AF Azevedo, TC Homem, J Guerra, ...
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 44, 93-104, 2016
The incredible years basic parent training for Portuguese Preschoolers with AD/HD behaviors: Does it make a difference?
AF Azevedo, MJ Seabra-Santos, MF Gaspar, TC Homem
Child & Youth Care Forum 42, 403-424, 2013
Brincar e criar zonas de desenvolvimento próximo: A voz de Vygotsky
MF Gaspar
Cadernos de Educação de infância 90, 8-10, 2010
Equity effects of parenting interventions for child conduct problems: a pan-European individual participant data meta-analysis
F Gardner, P Leijten, V Harris, J Mann, J Hutchings, J Beecham, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 6 (6), 518-527, 2019
Parent education interventions: Results from a national study in Portugal
A Almeida, I Abreu-Lima, O Cruz, MF Gaspar, T Brandão, M Alarcão, ...
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 9 (1), 135-149, 2012
Prevalência da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica em Lisboa, Portugal: estudo Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease
C Bárbara, F Rodrigues, H Dias, J Cardoso, J Almeida, MJ Matos, ...
Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia 19 (3), 96-105, 2013
A parent-based intervention programme involving preschoolers with AD/HD behaviours: are children’s and mothers’ effects sustained over time?
AF Azevedo, MJ Seabra-Santos, MF Gaspar, T Homem
European child & adolescent psychiatry 23, 437-450, 2014
Challenges of motherhood in the voice of primiparous mothers: initial difficulties
JM Neves Carvalho, MF Ribeiro Fonseca Gaspar, AM Ramos Cardoso
Investigacion y educacion en enfermeria 35 (3), 285-294, 2017
The Brazilian–Portuguese version of the Parental Burnout Assessment: Transcultural adaptation and initial validity evidence
M Matias, J Aguiar, F César, AC Braz, EJ Barham, V Leme, L Elias, ...
New directions for child and adolescent development 2020 (174), 67-83, 2020
Incredible years parent training: Does it improve positive relationships in Portuguese families of preschoolers with oppositional/defiant symptoms?
TC Homem, MF Gaspar, MJS Santos, AF Azevedo, MC Canavarro
Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 1861-1875, 2015
Gender equality and maternal burnout: A 40-country study
I Roskam, L Gallée, J Aguiar, E Akgun, A Arena, G Arikan, K Aunola, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53 (2), 157-178, 2022
Escala de Sentido de Competência Parental (PSOC): estudos psicométricos
MJ Seabra-Santos, S Major, M Pimentel, MF Gaspar, N Antunes, V Roque
Avaliação Psicológica 14 (1), 97-106, 2015
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