Dan Río-Rodríguez
Dan Río-Rodríguez
Grupo Aprendizaje y Control del Movimiento Humano (ACOM-UDC)
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Inter-individual variability in response to non-invasive brain stimulation paradigms
V López-Alonso, B Cheeran, D Río-Rodríguez, M Fernández-del-Olmo
Brain stimulation 7 (3), 372-380, 2014
Short-term effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on endurance and maximal force production: a systematic review and meta-analysis
C Alix-Fages, S Romero-Arenas, M Castro-Alonso, D Colomer-Poveda, ...
Journal of clinical medicine 8 (4), 536, 2019
Inter-repetition rest training and traditional set configuration produce similar strength gains without cortical adaptations
E Iglesias-Soler, X Mayo, D Río-Rodríguez, E Carballeira, J Fariñas, ...
Journal of sports sciences 34 (15), 1473-1484, 2016
Set configuration in resistance exercise: muscle fatigue and cardiovascular effects
D Río-Rodríguez, E Iglesias-Soler, M Fernandez del Olmo
PLoS One 11 (3), e0151163, 2016
Startle auditory stimuli enhance the performance of fast dynamic contractions
M Fernandez-Del-Olmo, D Río-Rodríguez, E Iglesias-Soler, RM Acero
PLoS One 9 (1), e87805, 2014
Reactivación de las actividades del turismo activo español hacia la nueva normalidad de la COVID-19: análisis documental sobre su regulación, recomendaciones, propuestas y …
JF Gómez Varela, D Río-Rodríguez, J Rico-Díaz
ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo 14 (2), 1-22, 2020
Interindividual variability in response to non-invasive brain stimulation paradigms. Brain Stimul. 7 (3), 372–380
V López-Alonso, B Cheeran, D Río-Rodríguez, M Fernández-Del-Olmo
Changes in the force-velocity mechanical profile after short resistance training programs differing in set configurations
E Iglesias-Soler, M Fernández-del-Olmo, X Mayo, J Fariñas, ...
Journal of applied biomechanics 33 (2), 144-152, 2017
Inter-individual variability in response to non-invasive brain stimulation paradigms. Brain Stimul 7: 372–380
V López-Alonso, B Cheeran, D Río-Rodríguez, M Fernández-Del-Olmo
Inter-individual variability in response to non-invasive brain stimulation paradigms. Brain Stimul 2014; 7: 372–80
V López-Alonso, B Cheeran, D Río-Rodríguez, M Fernández-Del-Olmo
Modulation of quadriceps corticospinal excitability by femoral nerve stimulation
D Río-Rodríguez, E Iglesias-Soler, M Fernandez-del-Olmo
Neuroscience Letters 637, 148-153, 2017
Rheological behaviour of submicron mullite–carbon nanofiber suspensions for Atmospheric Plasma Spraying coatings
D Rodríguez, IG Cano, J Fernández, JC Fariñas, R Moreno
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 34 (2), 475-483, 2014
Perception of the sports social environment after the development and implementation of an identification tool for contagious risk situations in sports during the COVID-19 pandemic
JR Lete-Lasa, R Martín-Acero, J Rico-Díaz, J Gómez-Varela, ...
Frontiers in sports and active living 2, 610421, 2020
Athletes versus video game players: A predictive contextual processing study
P Diaz-Brage, M Fernandez-del-Olmo, L Li, D Rio-Rodriguez, N Fogelson
Neuroscience Letters 684, 156-163, 2018
Interindividual variability in response to non-invasive brain stimulation paradigms. Brain Stimul 2014; 7: 372e80
V López-Alonso, B Cheeran, D Río-Rodríguez, M Fernández-del-Olmo
Acute neuromechanical modifications and 24-h recovery in quadriceps muscle after maximal stretch-shortening cycle exercise
M Váczi, D Río-Rodríguez, J Négyesi, MF Del Olmo
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 40, 64-71, 2018
Perception of the sports social environment after the development and implementation of an identification tool for contagious risk situations in sports during the COVID-19 pandemic
JR Lete-Lasa, R Martin-Acero, J Rico-Diaz, J Gomez-Varela, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 610421, 2021
Are internal focuses really useful? A replication study in Basketball
DR Rodríguez, J Cuadrado-Pérez, E Iglesias-Soler, ...
Int. J. Phys. Ed. Fit. Sports 72 (79), 73, 2018
Configuración de las Series en el Ejercicio de Fuerza: Fatiga Muscular y Efectos Cardiovasculares
D Río-Rodríguez, E Iglesias-Soler, MÁ Fernández del Olmo
RED: Revista de entrenamiento deportivo= Journal of Sports Training 31 (4), 1, 2017
Cognitive reserve and executive functions in dual task gait performance in Parkinson’s disease
H Fernández-Lago, P Bosch-Barceló, JA Sánchez-Molina, M Ambrus, ...
Experimental Brain Research 242 (9), 2271-2278, 2024
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