Francisco J. Fernández
Francisco J. Fernández
PhD Economia Agraria
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Climate change impacts on EU agriculture: A regionalized perspective taking into account market-driven adjustments
M Blanco, F Ramos, B Van Doorslaer, P Martinez, D Fumagalli, A Ceglar, ...
Agricultural Systems 156 (52-66), 2017
Implications of climate change for semi-arid dualistic agriculture: a case study in Central Chile
FJ Fernández, M Blanco, RD Ponce, F Vásquez-Lavín, L Roco
Regional Environmental Change 19, 89-100, 2019
Modelling the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Global and European Agriculture. Review of Economic Structural Approaches
FJ Fernández, M Blanco
Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal 9, 1-53, 2015
Water Variability and the Economic Impacts on Small-Scale Farmers. A Farm Risk-Based Integrated Modelling Approach
FJ Fernández, RD Ponce, M Blanco, D Rivera, F Vásquez
Water Resources Management, 1 - 17, 2016
The economics impacts of long-run droughts: Challenges, gaps, and way forward
FJ Fernández, F Vásquez-Lavín, RD Ponce, R Garreaud, F Hernández, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 344, 118726, 2023
Sensitivity of water price elasticity estimates to different data aggregation levels
Y Flores Arévalo, RD Ponce Oliva, FJ Fernández, F Vásquez-Lavin
Water Resources Management 35, 2039-2052, 2021
Exploring typologies of artisanal mussel seed producers in southern Chile
FJ Fernández, RD Ponce, F Vásquez-Lavín, Y Figueroa, S Gelcich, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 158, 24-31, 2018
Distributional impacts of climate change on basin communities: an integrated modeling approach
RD Ponce, F Fernández, A Stehr, F Vásquez-Lavín, A Godoy-Faúndez
Regional Environmental Change, 1-11, 2017
Water use and climate stressors in a multiuser river basin setting: Who benefits from adaptation?
RD Ponce Oliva, EA Montevechio, FF Jorquera, F Vásquez-Lavin, A Stehr
Water Resources Management 35, 897-915, 2021
Mapping Firms' adaptive profiles: The role of experiences and risk perception in the aquaculture industry
FJ Fernández, M Muñoz, RDP Oliva, F Vásquez-Lavín, S Gelcich
Aquaculture 562, 738802, 2023
Still a challenge-interaction of biophysical and economic models for crop production and market analysis
FJ Fernández, M Blanco, A Ceglar, R M’barek, P Ciaian, AK Srivastava, ...
Working Paper, 2013
Traditional crops and climate change adaptation: insights from the Andean agricultural sector
E Arias Montevechio, M Crispin Cunya, F Fernández Jorquera, E Rendon, ...
Climate and Development 15 (9), 723-737, 2023
Production and crop roots (causes?) of volatility measures including partial stochastic simulations of yields and macroeconomic variables
M Artavia, M Blanco, SRA Enciso, F Ramos, B Van Doorslaer, ...
Scientific Paper, 4-05, 2014
A comparison of mixed logit and latent class models to estimate market segments for seafood faced with ocean acidification
N Campos-Requena, F Vásquez-Lavin, F Fernández, M Barrientos, ...
Aquaculture Economics & Management 27 (2), 282-314, 2023
Gaps, biases, and future directions in research on the impacts of anthropogenic land-use change on aquatic ecosystems: a topic-based bibliometric analysis
FJ Fernández, M Muñoz, RD Ponce Oliva, F Vásquez-Lavín, S Gelcich
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (32), 43173-43189, 2021
Revisión Sistemática: análisis de la biodiversidad en las economías rurales mediante el modelo de hogares agrícolas y recomendaciones para futuros reportes
IF Reyes-Mandujano, FJ Fernández, W Mercado, L Gómez, RD Ponce
Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales 20 (1), 53-75, 2020
Water Security and Multi-Sector Trade-Offs under Climate Change: A Hydro-Economic Model for the Biobio River Basin, Chile
F Fernández, EA Montevechio, MV Ferrera Cordero, M Leiva, ...
Water Economics and Policy, 2025
Policy Implications of Tariff Preferences in Rural Water Management: Insights from Chile
FJ Fernández, F Vásquez-Lavín, D Rivera, F Hernández, C Bopp, ...
32nd ICAE, 2024
Sustainability of Latin American Viticultural Firms. Sustainability Frameworks Development in a Context of Global Challenges
FJ Fernández, J Machado
Latin American Viticulture Adaptation to Climate Change: Perspectives and …, 2024
Focus on the future of water-limited agricultural landscapes
CA Peterson, KF Davis, KE Dybala, FJ Fernández, R Ghimire, ...
Environmental Research Letters 19 (2), 020201, 2024
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