David Huber
David Huber
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Colorado Boulder
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Effects of category length and strength on familiarity in recognition.
RM Shiffrin, DE Huber, K Marinelli
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 21 (2), 267, 1995
Multiply-constrained semantic search in the Remote Associates Test
KA Smith, DE Huber, E Vul
Cognition 128 (1), 64-75, 2013
Fluency of consistency: When thoughts fit nicely and flow smoothly
P Winkielman, DE Huber, L Kavanagh, N Schwarz
Cognitive consistency: A fundamental principle in social cognition, 89-111, 2012
An interference account of cue-independent forgetting in the no-think paradigm
TD Tomlinson, DE Huber, CA Rieth, EJ Davelaar
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (37), 15588-15593, 2009
Context retrieval and context change in free recall: recalling from long-term memory drives list isolation.
Y Jang, DE Huber
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34 (1), 112, 2008
Persistence and accommodation in short‐term priming and other perceptual paradigms: temporal segregation through synaptic depression
DE Huber, RC O'Reilly
Cognitive science 27 (3), 403-430, 2003
The road not taken: Creative solutions require avoidance of high-frequency responses
N Gupta, Y Jang, SC Mednick, DE Huber
Psychological Science 23 (3), 288-294, 2012
Perception and preference in short-term word priming.
DE Huber, RM Shiffrin, KB Lyle, KI Ruys
Psychological review 108 (1), 149, 2001
Testing signal-detection models of yes/no and two-alternative forced-choice recognition memory.
Y Jang, JT Wixted, DE Huber
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 138 (2), 291, 2009
Immediate priming and cognitive aftereffects.
DE Huber
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 137 (2), 324, 2008
Effects of repetition priming on recognition memory: testing a perceptual fluency-disfluency model.
DE Huber, TF Clark, T Curran, P Winkielman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34 (6), 1305, 2008
Congruency between word position and meaning is caused by task-induced spatial attention
D Pecher, S Van Dantzig, I Boot, K Zanolie, DE Huber
Frontiers in psychology 1, 30, 2010
Testing an associative account of semantic satiation
X Tian, DE Huber
Cognitive psychology 60 (4), 267-290, 2010
Detecting faces in pure noise images: a functional MRI study on top-down perception
H Zhang, J Liu, DE Huber, CA Rieth, J Tian, K Lee
Neuroreport 19 (2), 229-233, 2008
A stochastic detection and retrieval model for the study of metacognition.
Y Jang, TS Wallsten, DE Huber
Psychological review 119 (1), 186, 2012
Decomposing the interaction between retention interval and study/test practice: The role of retrievability
Y Jang, JT Wixted, D Pecher, R Zeelenberg, DE Huber
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (5), 962-975, 2012
Effective connectivities of cortical regions for top-down face processing: a dynamic causal modeling study
J Li, J Liu, J Liang, H Zhang, J Zhao, CA Rieth, DE Huber, W Li, G Shi, ...
Brain Research 1340, 40-51, 2010
Mechanisms of source confusion and discounting in short-term priming: 1. Effects of prime duration and prime recognition
DE Huber, RM Shiffrin, R Quach, KB Lyle
Memory & Cognition 30 (5), 745-757, 2002
A distributed neural system for top-down face processing
J Li, J Liu, J Liang, H Zhang, J Zhao, DE Huber, CA Rieth, K Lee, J Tian, ...
Neuroscience letters 451 (1), 6-10, 2009
Mechanisms of source confusion and discounting in short-term priming 2: effects of prime similarity and target duration.
DE Huber, RM Shiffrin, KB Lyle, R Quach
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 28 (6), 1120, 2002
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