Vladislav Rosov
Vladislav Rosov
Sonstige NamenVladyslav Rozov
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Zitiert von
Meshgpt: Generating triangle meshes with decoder-only transformers
Y Siddiqui, A Alliegro, A Artemov, T Tommasi, D Sirigatti, V Rosov, A Dai, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2024
A smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for laser beam melting of Ni-based alloy 718
J Weirather, V Rozov, M Wille, P Schuler, C Seidel, NA Adams, MF Zaeh
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 78 (7), 2377-2394, 2019
Aircraft aeroservoelastic modelling of the FLEXOP unmanned flying demonstrator
YM Meddaikar, J Dillinger, T Klimmek, W Krueger, M Wuestenhagen, ...
AIAA scitech 2019 forum, 1815, 2019
Aircraft design and testing of FLEXOP unmanned flying demonstrator to test load alleviation and flutter suppression of high aspect ratio flexible wings
C Roessler, P Stahl, F Sendner, A Hermanutz, S Koeberle, ...
AIAA scitech 2019 forum, 1813, 2019
Data-driven prediction of unsteady pressure distributions based on deep learning
V Rozov, C Breitsamter
Journal of Fluids and Structures 104, 103316, 2021
Aeroelastic analysis of a flutter demonstrator with a very flexible high-aspect-ratio Swept Wing
V Rozov, A Hermanutz, C Breitsamter, M Hornung
Proceedings of the International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural …, 2017
Optimization of an implicit large-eddy simulation method for underresolved incompressible flow simulations
FS Schranner, V Rozov, NA Adams
AIAA Journal 54 (5), 1567-1577, 2016
Cfd-based aeroelastic sensitivity study of a low-speed flutter demonstrator
V Rozov, A Volmering, A Hermanutz, M Hornung, C Breitsamter
Aerospace 6 (3), 30, 2019
Engine Modeling for Small-Disturbance-CFD Related to Aircraft Flutter Investigations
V Rozov, M Stuhlpfarrer, MF Osma, C Breitsamter
Journal of Fluids and Structures 96, 103045, 2020
Antisymmetric boundary condition for small disturbance CFD
V Rozov, M Winter, C Breitsamter
Journal of Fluids and Structures 85, 229-248, 2019
Optimization of an implicit LES method for underresolved simulations of incompressible flows
FS Schranner, V Rozov, N Adams
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0338, 2016
Small-disturbance-CFD-based aircraft flutter investigation including powered engine model
V Rozov, M Stuhlpfarrer, MF Osma, C Breitsamter
International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, 2019
CFD-based Aeroelastic Sensitivity Study of a Configuration with a Very Flexible High-Aspect-Ratio Swept Wing
V Rozov, A Volmering, A Hermanutz, M Hornung, C Breitsamter
Aerospace 6, 2019
Antimetrische Randbedingung für CFD-Verfahren kleiner Störungen
V Rozov, M Winter, C Breitsamter
STAB-Workshop [18.], 2017
MeshGPT: Generating Triangle Meshes with Decoder-Only Transformers–Supplementary Document–
Y Siddiqui, A Alliegro, A Artemov, T Tommasi, D Sirigatti, V Rosov, A Dai, ...
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