Patrick Meister
Patrick Meister
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Distributions of microbial activities in deep subseafloor sediments
S D'Hondt, BB Jørgensen, DJ Miller, A Batzke, R Blake, BA Cragg, ...
Science 306 (5705), 2216-2221, 2004
Sulfur, iron-, and calcium cycling associated with natural electric currents running through marine sediment
N Risgaard-Petersen, A Revil, P Meister, LP Nielsen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 92, 1-13, 2012
Dolomite formation in the dynamic deep biosphere: results from the Peru Margin
P Meister, JA Mckenzie, C Vasconcelos, S Bernasconi, M Frank, ...
Sedimentology 54 (5), 1007-1032, 2007
Two opposing effects of sulfate reduction on carbonate precipitation in normal marine, hypersaline, and alkaline environments
P Meister
Geology 41 (4), 499-502, 2013
Controls on microbial communities in deeply buried sediments, Eastern Equatorial Pacific and Peru Margin, Sites 1225-1231
S D'Hondt, BB Jørgensen, P Meister
Using stable Mg isotopes to distinguish dolomite formation mechanisms: A case study from the Peru Margin
V Mavromatis, P Meister, EH Oelkers
Chemical geology 385, 84-91, 2014
Methanogenesis produces strong 13C enrichment in stromatolites of Lagoa Salgada, Brazil: a modern analogue for Palaeo‐/Neoproterozoic stromatolites?
D Birgel, P Meister, R Lundberg, TD Horath, TRR Bontognali, AM Bahniuk, ...
Geobiology 13 (3), 245-266, 2015
Control of sulphate and methane distributions in marine sediments by organic matter reactivity
P Meister, B Liu, TG Ferdelman, BB Jørgensen, A Khalili
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 104, 183-193, 2013
Dolomite formation in the shallow seas of the Alpine Triassic
P Meister, JA Mckenzie, SM Bernasconi, P Brack
Sedimentology 60 (1), 270-291, 2013
Tubular compression fossils from the Ediacaran Nama group, Namibia
PA Cohen, A Bradley, AH Knoll, JP Grotzinger, S Jensen, J Abelson, ...
Journal of Paleontology 83 (1), 110-122, 2009
Calcium and magnesium‐limited dolomite precipitation at Deep Springs Lake, California
P Meister, C Reyes, W Beaumont, M Rincon, L Collins, W Berelson, ...
Sedimentology 58 (7), 1810-1830, 2011
Dolomite formation within the methanogenic zone induced by tectonically driven fluids in the Peru accretionary prism
P Meister, M Gutjahr, M Frank, SM Bernasconi, C Vasconcelos, ...
Geology 39 (6), 563-566, 2011
Direct in situ detection of cells in deep‐sea sediment cores from the Peru Margin (ODP Leg 201, Site 1229)
L Mauclaire, K Zepp, P Meister, J McKenzie
Geobiology 2 (4), 217-223, 2004
Factors controlling the carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon and methane in marine porewater: An evaluation by reaction-transport modelling
P Meister, B Liu, A Khalili, ME Böttcher, BB Jørgensen
Journal of Marine Systems 200, 103227, 2019
Bacterial communities potentially involved in iron-cycling in Baltic Sea and North Sea sediments revealed by pyrosequencing
C Reyes, O Dellwig, K Dähnke, M Gehre, BE Noriega-Ortega, ...
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92 (4), fiw054, 2016
Sealevel changes control diagenetic dolomite formation in hemipelagic sediments of the Peru Margin
P Meister, SM Bernasconi, C Vasconcelos, JA McKenzie
Marine Geology 252 (3-4), 166-173, 2008
U-Pb zircon age of volcaniclastic layers in Middle Triassic platform carbonates of the Austroalpine Silvretta nappe (Switzerland)
H Furrer, U Schaltegger, M Ovtcharova, P Meister
Swiss Journal of Geosciences 101, 595-603, 2008
Anaerobic methane oxidation inducing carbonate precipitation at abiogenic methane seeps in the Tuscan archipelago (Italy)
P Meister, J Wiedling, C Lott, W Bach, H Kuhfuß, G Wegener, ME Böttcher, ...
PLoS One 13 (12), e0207305, 2018
Authigenic formation of Ca–Mg carbonates in the shallow alkaline Lake Neusiedl, Austria
D Fussmann, AJE von Hoyningen-Huene, A Reimer, D Schneider, ...
Biogeosciences 17 (7), 2085-2106, 2020
Metal cycling in Mesoproterozoic microbial habitats: Insights from trace elements and stable Cd isotopes in stromatolites
S Viehmann, SV Hohl, D Kraemer, M Bau, DHG Walde, SJG Galer, ...
Gondwana Research 67, 101-114, 2019
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