Celina Kacperski
Celina Kacperski
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Can electric vehicle drivers be persuaded to eco-drive? A field study of feedback, gamification and financial rewards in Germany
M Günther, C Kacperski, JF Krems
Energy Research & Social Science 63, 101407, 2020
Evidence behind the narrative: Critically reviewing the social impact of energy communities in Europe
M Bielig, C Kacperski, F Kutzner, S Klingert
Energy Research & Social Science 94, 102859, 2022
Seamless electromobility
M Eider, D Sellner, A Berl, R Basmadjian, H de Meer, S Klingert, ...
Proceedings of the eighth international conference on future energy systems …, 2017
Consequences of autonomous vehicles: Ambivalent expectations and their impact on acceptance
C Kacperski, F Kutzner, T Vogel
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 81, 282-294, 2021
Impact of incentives for greener battery electric vehicle charging: A field experiment
C Kacperski, R Ulloa, S Klingert, B Kirpes, F Kutzner
Energy Policy, 2022
Financial and symbolic incentives promote ‘green’charging choices
C Kacperski, F Kutzner
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 69, 151-158, 2020
Institutions and cultural diversity: Effects of democratic and propaganda processes on local convergence and global diversity
R Ulloa, C Kacperski, F Sancho
PLoS One 11 (4), e0153334, 2016
Representativeness and face-ism: Gender bias in image search
R Ulloa, AC Richter, M Makhortykh, A Urman, CS Kacperski
new media & society 26 (6), 3541-3567, 2024
Search engine effects on news consumption: Ranking and representativeness outweigh familiarity in news selection
R Ulloa, CS Kacperski
new media & society, 14614448231154926, 2023
Ambivalence in stakeholders’ views on connected and autonomous vehicles
C Kacperski, T Vogel, F Kutzner
HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems. Automated Driving and In …, 2020
Do athletes imagine being the best, or crossing the finish line first? A mixed methods analysis of construal levels in elite athletes’ spontaneous imagery
C Kacperski, R Ulloa, C Hall
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 13 (2), 216-241, 2016
How far can we get with eco driving tech?
F Kutzner, C Kacperski, D Schramm, M Waenke
Journal of Environmental Psychology 76, 101626, 2021
Adherence to tactical choices mediates regulatory fit effects in table tennis
C Kacperski, FL Kutzner
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 16 (3), 276-284, 2018
Reducing the time loss bias: Two ways to improved driving safety and energy efficiency
M Herberz, C Kacperski, F Kutzner
Accident Analysis & Prevention 131, 8-14, 2019
Do construal levels affect athletes’ imagery and performance outcomes? It depends on the task!
C Kacperski, C Hall
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 29 (2), 181-198, 2017
Characteristics of ChatGPT users from Germany: Implications for the digital divide from web tracking data
C Kacperski, R Ulloa, D Bonnay, J Kulshrestha, P Selb, A Spitz
PloS one 20 (1), e0309047, 2025
Examining bias perpetuation in academic search engines: An algorithm audit of Google and Semantic Scholar
C Kacperski, M Bielig, M Makhortykh, M Sydorova, R Ulloa
First Monday 29 (11), 2024
For the climate, my friends, or my region? An experimental field trial for prosumer engagement with peer-to-peer energy trading in Austria
C Kacperski, M Bielig, S Klingert, F Kutzner
Energy Research & Social Science 97, 103000, 2023
Comparing autonomous vehicle acceptance of German residents with and without visual impairments
C Kacperski, F Kutzner, T Vogel
Disability anD Rehabilitation: assistive technology 19 (8), 2869-2879, 2024
Doing gender in energy communities: A gendered perspective on barriers and motivators
M Vogel, C Kacperski, M Bielig, F Kutzner
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 2024
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