Cameron Penn-Clarke
Cameron Penn-Clarke
Senior Researcher, Evolutionary Studies Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesurg
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Early–Middle Devonian brachiopod provincialism and bioregionalization at high latitudes: A case study from southwestern Gondwana
CR Penn-Clarke, DAT Harper
GSA Bulletin 133 (3-4), 819-836, 2021
The Malvinokaffric Realm in the Early-Middle Devonian of South Africa
CR Penn-Clarke
Journal of African Earth Sciences 158, 103549, 2019
Interest in geological and palaeontological curiosities by southern African non-western societies: A review and perspectives for future study
CW Helm, J Benoit, A Mayor, HC Cawthra, CR Penn-Clarke, R Rust
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 130 (5), 541-558, 2019
Two hundred years of palaeontological discovery: review of research on the Early to Middle Devonian Bokkeveld Group (Cape Supergroup) of South Africa
CR Penn-Clarke, BS Rubidge, ZA Jinnah
Journal of African Earth Sciences 137, 157-178, 2018
High-paleolatitude environmental change during the Early to Middle Devonian: insights from Emsian–Eifelian (Lower–Middle Devonian) Siliciclastic depositional systems of the …
CR Penn-Clarke, BS Rubidge, ZA Jinnah
Journal of Sedimentary Research 88 (9), 1040-1075, 2018
Eifelian–Givetian (Middle Devonian) high-paleolatitude storm-and wave-dominated shallow-marine depositional systems from the Bidouw Subgroup (Bokkeveld Group) of South Africa
CR Penn-Clarke, BS Rubidge, ZA Jinnah
Journal of Sedimentary Research 89 (11), 1140-1170, 2019
Geoheritage in the Matjiesrivier nature reserve, a world heritage site in the Cederberg, South Africa
CR Penn-Clarke, J Deacon, N Wiltshire, C Browning, R du Plessis
Journal of African Earth Sciences 166, 103818, 2020
The rise and fall of the Malvinoxhosan (Malvinokaffric) bioregion in South Africa: Evidence for Early-Middle Devonian biocrises at the South Pole
CR Penn-Clarke, DAT Harper
Earth-Science Reviews 246, 104595, 2023
Stepping out across the Karoo retro-foreland basin: Improved constraints on the Ecca-Beaufort shoreline along the northern margin
DP Groenewald, MO Day, CR Penn-Clarke, BS Rubidge
Journal of African Earth Sciences 185, 104389, 2022
Long-lived stable shelf deposition along Gondwana's southern margin during the Ordovician-Silurian: Inferences from UPb detrital zircon ages of the Table Mountain Group (South …
C Vorster, JD Kramers, NJ Beukes, CR Penn-Clarke
Chemical Geology 576, 120274, 2021
Palaeoenvironmental successions and sequence stratigraphy of the Early to Middle Devonian Bokkeveld Group in the Clanwilliam Sub-basin, Western Cape Province, South Africa
CR Penn-Clarke
PQDT-Global, 2017
The Ordovician system of South Africa: a review
CR Penn-Clarke, C Browning, DAT Harper
Cold feet: Trackways and burrows in ice-marginal strata of the end-Ordovician glaciation (Table Mountain Group, South Africa)
NS Davies, AP Shillito, CR Penn-Clarke
Geology 48 (12), 1159-1163, 2020
Indigenous knowledge of palaeontology in Africa
J Benoit, CR Penn-Clarke, R Rust, DP Groenewald, P Vickers-Rich, ...
Lithostratigraphy of the Floriskraal Formation (Witteberg Group), South Africa
C Browning, CR Penn-Clarke
South African Journal of Geology 2016 119 (2), 425-434, 2016
Unique trackway on Permian Karoo shoreline provides evidence of temnospondyl locomotory behaviour
DP Groenewald, A Krüger, MO Day, CR Penn-Clarke, PJ Hancox, ...
PloS one 18 (3), e0282354, 2023
Coombs Hill: A Late Devonian fossil locality in the Witpoort Formation (Witteberg Group, South Africa)
C Harris, RW Gess, CR Penn-Clarke, BS Rubidge
South African Journal of Science 117 (3-4), 2021
What happened to the indigenous knowledge of fossiliferous caves in Southern Africa
J Benoit, C Penn-Clarke, CW Helm
The Digging Stick 40, 1-10, 2023
Lithostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Middle Devonian Tra-Tra Formation, including the Grootrivier Member (Bokkeveld Group, Cape Supergroup), South Africa
CR Penn-Clarke, JN Theron
South African Journal of Geology 2020 123 (3), 381-398, 2020
Early land plant remains from the uppermost Ordovician–? lowermost Silurian Cedarberg Formation of South Africa
CH Wellman, CR Penn-Clarke, C Browning
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 72 (1), 164-164, 2023
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