Mehrnoush Shamsfard
Mehrnoush Shamsfard
Associate Professor of Computer Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University
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Learning ontologies from natural language texts
M Shamsfard, AA Barforoush
International journal of human-computer studies 60 (1), 17-63, 2004
The state of the art in ontology learning: a framework for comparison
M Shamsfard, AA Barforoush
The Knowledge Engineering Review 18 (4), 293-316, 2003
Matrix factorization with explicit trust and distrust side information for improved social recommendation
R Forsati, M Mahdavi, M Shamsfard, M Sarwat
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 32 (4), 1-38, 2014
Efficient stochastic algorithms for document clustering
R Forsati, M Mahdavi, M Shamsfard, MR Meybodi
Information Sciences 220, 269-291, 2013
Semi automatic development of farsnet; the persian wordnet
M Shamsfard, A Hesabi, H Fadaei, N Mansoory, A Famian, S Bagherbeigi, ...
Proceedings of 5th global WordNet conference, Mumbai, India 29, 2010
Enriched ant colony optimization and its application in feature selection
R Forsati, A Moayedikia, R Jensen, M Shamsfard, MR Meybodi
Neurocomputing 142, 354-371, 2014
An improved bee colony optimization algorithm with an application to document clustering
R Forsati, A Keikha, M Shamsfard
Neurocomputing 159, 9-26, 2015
Challenges and open problems in Persian text processing
M Shamsfard
Proceedings of LTC 11, 65-69, 2011
STeP-1: A Set of Fundamental Tools for Persian Text Processing.
M Shamsfard, HS Jafari, M Ilbeygi
LREC, 2010
Orank: An ontology based system for ranking documents
M Shamsfard, A Nematzadeh, S Motiee
International Journal of Computer Science 1 (3), 225-231, 2006
A bottom up approach to Persian stemming
AA Sharifloo, M Shamsfard
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2008
A novel approach for feature selection based on the bee colony optimization
R Forsati, A Moayedikia, A Keikha, M Shamsfard
International Journal of Computer Applications 43 (8), 30-34, 2012
Beheshti-NER: Persian named entity recognition using BERT
E Taher, SA Hoseini, M Shamsfard
The First International Workshop on NLP Solutions for Under Resourced …, 2020
The state of the art in open domain complex question answering: a survey
R Etezadi, M Shamsfard
Applied Intelligence 53 (4), 4124-4144, 2023
Developing FarsNet: A lexical ontology for Persian
M Shamsfard
GWC 2008, 413, 2007
An effective web page recommender using binary data clustering
R Forsati, A Moayedikia, M Shamsfard
Information Retrieval Journal 18 (3), 167-214, 2015
Tehran stock exchange prediction using sentiment analysis of online textual opinions
A Hatefi Ghahfarrokhi, M Shamsfard
Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 27 (1), 22-37, 2020
Using Linked Data for polarity classification of patients’ experiences
S Noferesti, M Shamsfard
Journal of biomedical informatics 57, 6-19, 2015
A fuzzy co-clustering approach for hybrid recommender systems
R Forsati, HM Doustdar, M Shamsfard, A Keikha, MR Meybodi
International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 10 (2), 71-81, 2013
pecoq: A dataset for persian complex question answering over knowledge graph
R Etezadi, M Shamsfard
2020 11th international conference on information and knowledge technology …, 2020
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