Juan F. Barrera
Juan F. Barrera
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Biological control of Anastrepha spp.(Diptera: Tephritidae) in mango orchards through augmentative releases of Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead)(Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
P Montoya, P Liedo, B Benrey, J Cancino, JF Barrera, J Sivinski, M Aluja
Biological Control 18 (3), 216-224, 2000
Life-history studies of the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei, Scolytidae) on coffee trees in southern Mexico
PS Baker, JF Barrera, A Rivas
Journal of Applied Ecology, 656-662, 1992
Horizontal Transmission of Beauveria bassiana in Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae) Under Laboratory and Field Cage Conditions
J Toledo, SE Campos, S Flores, P Liedo, JF Barrera, A Villaseñor, ...
Journal of economic entomology 100 (2), 291-297, 2014
Functional Response and Superparasitism by Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a Parasitoid of Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)
P Montoya, P Liedo, B Benrey, JF Barrera, J Cancino, M Aluja
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 93 (1), 47-54, 2000
Transformation of coffee-growing landscapes across Latin America. A review
CA Harvey, AA Pritts, MJ Zwetsloot, K Jansen, MM Pulleman, I Armbrecht, ...
Agronomy for sustainable development 41 (5), 62, 2021
Adaptation in a multi-stressor environment: perceptions and responses to climatic and economic risks by coffee growers in Mesoamerica
H Eakin, CM Tucker, E Castellanos, R Diaz-Porras, JF Barrera, H Morales
Environment, development and sustainability 16, 123-139, 2014
Effect of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae (Deuteromycetes) upon the Coffee Berry Borer (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Under Field Conditions
W De La Rosa, R Alatorre, JF Barrera, C Toriello
Journal of Economic Entomology 93 (5), 1409-1414, 2000
Coffee pests and their management
JF Barrera
Factors affecting the emergence of Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) from coffee berries
PS Baker, C Ley, R Balbuena, JF Barrera
Bulletin of Entomological Research 82 (2), 145-150, 1992
Livelihoods and landscapes at the threshold of change: disaster and resilience in a Chiapas coffee community
H Eakin, K Benessaiah, JF Barrera, GM Cruz-Bello, H Morales
Regional Environmental Change 12, 475-488, 2012
Virulence of Beauveria bassiana (Deuteromycetes) Strains Against the Coffee Berry Borer (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
W De la Rosa, R Alatorre, J Trujillo, JF Barrera
Journal of Economic Entomology 90 (6), 1534-1538, 1997
Insect gladiators II: competitive interactions within and between bethylid parasitoid species of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
TP Batchelor, ICW Hardy, JF Barrera, G Pérez-Lachaud
Biological Control 33 (2), 194-202, 2005
Assessing the adaptation strategies of farmers facing multiple stressors: Lessons from the Coffee and Global Changes project in Mesoamerica
EJ Castellanos, C Tucker, H Eakin, H Morales, JF Barrera, R Díaz
Environmental Science & Policy 26, 19-28, 2013
Farmers’ perceptions, knowledge, and management of coffee pests and diseases and their natural enemies in Chiapas, Mexico
HR Segura, JF Barrera, H Morales, A Nazar
Journal of economic entomology 97 (5), 1491-1499, 2004
Impacts of weather, shade cover and elevation on coffee leafminer Leucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) population dynamics and natural enemies
JR Lomelí-Flores, JF Barrera, JS Bernal
Crop protection 29 (9), 1039-1048, 2010
Dynamique des populations du scolyte des fruits du caféier, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), et lutte biologique avec le parasitoide Cephalonomia stephanoderis …
JF Barrera
Toulouse, France Université Paul-Sabatier Toulouse III, 1994
Introducción de dos especies de parasitoides africanos a México para el control biológico de la broca del café, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari)(Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
JF Barrera, PSDD Baker, V González, J Ernesto
Abiotic mortality factors of the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei)
PS Baker, A Rivas, R Balbuena, C Ley, JF Barrera
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 71 (3), 201-209, 1994
Interactions among bethylid parasitoid species attacking the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
TP Batchelor, ICW Hardy, JF Barrera
Biological control 36 (1), 106-118, 2006
Bases para la aplicación de sistemas de trampas y atrayentes en manejo integrado de plagas
JF Barrera, P Montoya, J Rojas
Simposio de trampas y atrayentes en detección, monitoreo y control de Plagas …, 2006
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