Sue E Hartley
Sue E Hartley
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Herbivory in global climate change research: direct effects of rising temperature on insect herbivores
JS Bale, GJ Masters, ID Hodkinson, C Awmack, TM Bezemer, VK Brown, ...
Global change biology 8 (1), 1-16, 2002
Global assessment of agricultural system redesign for sustainable intensification
J Pretty, TG Benton, ZP Bharucha, LV Dicks, CB Flora, HCJ Godfray, ...
Nature Sustainability 1 (8), 441-446, 2018
Assessment of risk of insect-resistant transgenic crops to nontarget arthropods
J Romeis, D Bartsch, F Bigler, MP Candolfi, MMC Gielkens, SE Hartley, ...
Nature biotechnology 26 (2), 203-208, 2008
A protein competition model of phenolic allocation
CG Jones, SE Hartley
Oikos, 27-44, 1999
Impacts of plant symbiotic fungi on insect herbivores: mutualism in a multitrophic context
SE Hartley, AC Gange
Annual review of entomology 54 (1), 323-342, 2009
Physical defences wear you down: progressive and irreversible impacts of silica on insect herbivores
FP Massey, SE Hartley
Journal of animal ecology 78 (1), 281-291, 2009
Silica in grasses as a defence against insect herbivores: contrasting effects on folivores and a phloem feeder
FP Massey, AR Ennos, SE Hartley
Journal of Animal Ecology 75 (2), 595-603, 2006
The chemical composition of plant galls: are levels of nutrients and secondary compounds controlled by the gall-former?
SE Hartley
Oecologia 113, 492-501, 1998
Impacts of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide on model terrestrial ecosystems
TH Jones, LJ Thompson, JH Lawton, TM Bezemer, RD Bardgett, ...
Science 280 (5362), 441-443, 1998
Plant chemistry and herbivory, or why the world is green
SE Hartley, CG Jones
Plant ecology, 284-324, 1996
Experimental demonstration of the antiherbivore effects of silica in grasses: impacts on foliage digestibility and vole growth rates
FP Massey, SE Hartley
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1599), 2299-2304, 2006
Rapid and accurate analyses of silicon and phosphorus in plants using a portable X‐ray fluorescence spectrometer
S Reidinger, MH Ramsey, SE Hartley
New Phytologist 195 (3), 699-706, 2012
Herbivore specific induction of silica-based plant defences
FP Massey, A Roland Ennos, SE Hartley
Oecologia 152, 677-683, 2007
“Insectageddon”: A call for more robust data and rigorous analyses
C Thomas, TH Jones, SE Hartley
Global change biology, 2019
Increased yield and CO2 sequestration potential with the C4 cereal Sorghum bicolor cultivated in basaltic rock dust‐amended agricultural soil
ME Kelland, PW Wade, AL Lewis, LL Taylor, B Sarkar, MG Andrews, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (6), 3658-3676, 2020
Grasses and the resource availability hypothesis: the importance of silica-based defences
FP Massey, AR Ennos, SE Hartley
Journal of Ecology, 414-424, 2007
How do nutrients and warming impact on plant communities and their insect herbivores? A 9‐year study from a sub‐Arctic heath
SJ Richardson, MC Press, AN Parsons, SE Hartley
Journal of ecology 90 (3), 544-556, 2002
Host-plant manipulation by gall-insects: a test of the nutrition hypothesis
SE Hartley, JH Lawton
Journal of Animal Ecology, 113-119, 1992
Biosynthesis of plant phenolic compounds in elevated atmospheric CO2
SE Hartley, CG Jones, GC Couper, TH Jones
Global Change Biology 6 (5), 497-506, 2000
Aboveground–belowground herbivore interactions: a meta‐analysis
SN Johnson, KE Clark, SE Hartley, TH Jones, SW McKenzie, J Koricheva
Ecology 93 (10), 2208-2215, 2012
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