Mohamed Maghenem
Mohamed Maghenem
CNRS, France
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Observer based path following for underactuated marine vessels in the presence of ocean currents: A global approach
D Belleter, MA Maghenem, C Paliotta, KY Pettersen
Automatica 100, 123-134, 2019
Distributed consensus-formation of force-controlled nonholonomic robots with time-varying delays
E Nuno, A Loria, T Hernández, M Maghenem, E Panteley
Automatica 120, 109114, 2020
Sufficient conditions for forward invariance and contractivity in hybrid inclusions using barrier functions
M Maghenem, RG Sanfelice
Automatica 124, 109328, 2021
Cascades-based leader–follower formation tracking and stabilization of multiple nonholonomic vehicles
MA Maghenem, A Loria, E Panteley
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (8), 3639-3646, 2019
Formation-tracking control of autonomous vehicles under relaxed persistency of excitation conditions
M Maghenem, A Loría, E Panteley
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 26 (5), 1860-1865, 2017
Consensus of multi-agent systems with nonholonomic restrictions via Lyapunov’s direct method
M Maghenem, A Bautista, E Nuño, A Loría, E Panteley
IEEE control systems letters 3 (2), 344-349, 2018
Strict Lyapunov functions for model reference adaptive control: Application to Lagrangian systems
A Loría, E Panteley, M Maghenem
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (7), 3040-3045, 2018
Strict Lyapunov functions for time-varying systems with persistency of excitation
MA Maghenem, A Loría
Automatica 78, 274-279, 2017
Lyapunov-based formation-tracking control of nonholonomic systems under persistency of excitation
M Maghenem, A Loria, E Panteley
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (18), 404-409, 2016
Consensus-based formation control of networked nonholonomic vehicles with delayed communications
M Maghenem, A Loría, E Nuño, E Panteley
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (5), 2242-2249, 2020
Characterizations of safety in hybrid inclusions via barrier functions
M Maghenem, RG Sanfelice
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on hybrid systems …, 2019
A robust δ-persistently exciting controller for leader-follower tracking-agreement of multiple vehicles
M Maghenem, A Loria, E Panteley
European Journal of Control 40, 1-12, 2018
A cascades approach to formation-tracking stabilization of force-controlled autonomous vehicles
M Maghenem, A Loría, E Panteley
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (8), 2662-2669, 2017
Singular-perturbations-based analysis of synchronization in heterogeneous networks: A case-study
M Maghenem, E Panteley, A Loria
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2581-2586, 2016
On the converse safety problem for differential inclusions: Solutions, regularity, and time-varying barrier functions
M Maghenem, RG Sanfelice
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (1), 172-187, 2022
Lyapunov functions for persistently-excited cascaded time-varying systems: Application to consensus
M Maghenem, A Loria
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (7), 3416-3422, 2016
Characterization of safety and conditional invariance for nonlinear systems
M Maghenem, RG Sanfelice
2019 American Control Conference (ACC), 5039-5044, 2019
Barrier function certificates for forward invariance in hybrid inclusions
M Maghenem, RG Sanfelice
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 759-764, 2018
A hybrid gradient algorithm for linear regression with hybrid signals
A Saoud, M Maghenem, RG Sanfelice
2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 4997-5002, 2021
Adaptive safety using control barrier functions and hybrid adaptation
M Maghenem, AJ Taylor, AD Ames, RG Sanfelice
2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 2418-2423, 2021
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