Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Mark HutchinsonWeitere Informationen
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Heterochronic shifts in the ossification sequences of surface-and subsurface-dwelling skinks are correlated with the degree of limb reduction
J Hugi, MN Hutchinson, D Koyabu, MR Sánchez-Villagra
Zoology 115 (3), 188-198, 2012
Mandate: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Diversity and Systematics of Limbless Skinks (Anomalopus) from Eastern Australia and the Skeletal Changes that Accompany the Substrate Swimming Body Form
MN Hutchinson, P Couper, A Amey, JW Wilmer
Journal of Herpetology 55 (4), 361-384, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council
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Hidden species diversity of Australian burrowing snakes (Ramphotyphlops)
J Marin, SC Donnellan, SB Hedges, N Puillandre, KP Aplin, P Doughty, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110 (2), 427-441, 2013
Mandate: Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
Bony skull development in the Argus monitor (Squamata, Varanidae, Varanus panoptes) with comments on developmental timing and adult anatomy
I Werneburg, KM Polachowski, MN Hutchinson
Zoology 118 (4), 255-280, 2015
Mandate: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
The morphology of the inner ear of squamate reptiles and its bearing on the origin of snakes
A Palci, MN Hutchinson, MW Caldwell, MSY Lee
Royal Society open science 4 (8), 170685, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council
Patterns of postnatal ontogeny of the skull and lower jaw of snakes as revealed by micro‐CT scan data and three‐dimensional geometric morphometrics
A Palci, MSY Lee, MN Hutchinson
Journal of anatomy 229 (6), 723-754, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council
Photographic identification of individuals of a free‐ranging, small terrestrial vertebrate
CE Treilibs, CR Pavey, MN Hutchinson, CM Bull
Ecology and Evolution 6 (3), 800-809, 2016
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Tracing the history and biogeography of the Australian blindsnake radiation
J Marin, SC Donnellan, S Blair Hedges, P Doughty, MN Hutchinson, ...
Journal of Biogeography 40 (5), 928-937, 2013
Mandate: Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé
Conservation status of the world's skinks (Scincidae): Taxonomic and geographic patterns in extinction risk
DG Chapple, U Roll, M Böhm, R Aguilar, AP Amey, CC Austin, M Baling, ...
Biological Conservation 257, 109101, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Phylogeny and divergence times of Australian Sphenomorphus group skinks (Scincidae, Squamata)
A Skinner, MN Hutchinson, MSY Lee
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69 (3), 906-918, 2013
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Heterochronic shifts mediate ecomorphological convergence in skull shape of microcephalic sea snakes
E Sherratt, KL Sanders, A Watson, MN Hutchinson, MSY Lee, A Palci
Integrative and comparative biology 59 (3), 616-624, 2019
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Changes in ontogenetic patterns facilitate diversification in skull shape of Australian agamid lizards
JA Gray, E Sherratt, MN Hutchinson, MEH Jones
BMC Evolutionary Biology 19, 1-10, 2019
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Geometric morphometrics provides an alternative approach for interpreting the affinity of fossil lizard jaws
JA Gray, MC McDowell, MN Hutchinson, MEH Jones
Journal of Herpetology 51 (3), 375-382, 2017
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Diversification across biomes in a continental lizard radiation
LG Ashman, JG Bragg, P Doughty, MN Hutchinson, S Bank, NJ Matzke, ...
Evolution 72 (8), 1553-1569, 2018
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Plicidentine and the repeated origins of snake venom fangs
A Palci, ARH LeBlanc, O Panagiotopoulou, SGC Cleuren, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1956), 20211391, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
A return-on-investment approach for prioritization of rigorous taxonomic research needed to inform responses to the biodiversity crisis
J Melville, DG Chapple, JS Keogh, J Sumner, A Amey, P Bowles, ...
PLoS biology 19 (6), e3001210, 2021
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Ontogenetic allometry underlies trophic diversity in sea turtles (Chelonioidea)
RM Chatterji, CA Hipsley, E Sherratt, MN Hutchinson, MEH Jones
Evolutionary Ecology 36 (4), 511-540, 2022
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Reproductive phenotype predicts adult bite‐force performance in sex‐reversed dragons (Pogona vitticeps)
MEH Jones, JCA Pistevos, N Cooper, AK Lappin, A Georges, ...
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative …, 2020
Mandate: Australian Research Council
The morphological diversity of the quadrate bone in squamate reptiles as revealed by high‐resolution computed tomography and geometric morphometrics
A Palci, MW Caldwell, MN Hutchinson, T Konishi, MSY Lee
Journal of Anatomy 236 (2), 210-227, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council, Natural …
Palaeoecological inferences for the fossil Australian snakes Yurlunggur and Wonambi (Serpentes, Madtsoiidae)
A Palci, MN Hutchinson, MW Caldwell, JD Scanlon, MSY Lee
Royal Society open science 5 (3), 172012, 2018
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council
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