Ewa Orlikowska, PhD
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Contribution of social science to large scale biodiversity conservation: A review of research about the Natura 2000 network
M Blicharska, EH Orlikowska, JM Roberge, M Grodzinska-Jurczak
Biological Conservation 199 (July 2016), 110–122, 2016
The need for ecocentrism in biodiversity conservation
B Taylor, G Chapron, H Kopnina, E Orlikowska, J Gray, JJ Piccolo
Conservation Biology, 1-8, 2020
Gaps in ecological research on the world's largest internationally coordinated network of protected areas: A review of Natura 2000
EH Orlikowska, JM Roberge, M Blicharska, G Mikusiński
Biological Conservation 200 (August 2016), 216–227, 2016
“Nature's contributions to people” and peoples' moral obligations to nature
JJ Piccolo, B Taylor, H Washington, H Kopnina, J Gray, H Alberro, ...
Biological Conservation 270, 109572, 2022
An Ecological and Social Rationale for Nature Needs Half
E Crist, H Kopnina, P Cafaro, J Gray, WJ Ripple, C Safina, J Davis, ...
Frontiers in Conservation Science, 91, 2021
Stand dynamics of mixed red alder conifer forests of southeast Alaska
RL Deal, PE Hennon, EH Orlikowska, DV D'Amore
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (4), 969-980, 2004
Strengthening the network of high conservation value forests in boreal landscapes
G Mikusiński, EH Orlikowska, JW Bubnicki, BG Jonsson, J Svensson
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 595730, 2021
Relations between red alder composition and understory vegetation in young mixed forests of southeast Alaska
TA Hanley, RL Deal, EH Orlikowska
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (3), 738-748, 2006
Factors affecting distribution of wood, detritus, and sediment in headwater streams draining managed young-growth red alder conifer forests in southeast Alaska
T Gomi, AC Johnson, RL Deal, PE Hennon, EH Orlikowska, MS Wipfli
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (3), 725-737, 2006
Red Alder-Conifer Stands in Alaska: An Example of Mixed Species Management to Enhance Structural and Biological Complexity.
RL Deal, EH Orlikowska, DV D’Amore, PE Hennon
Forests 8 (4, 131), 1-25, 2017
Managing young upland forests in southeast Alaska for wood products, wildlife, aquatic resources and fishes: problem analysis and study plan
MS Wipfli
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 2002
The role of red alder in riparian forest structure along headwater streams in Southeastern Alaska.
EH Orlikowska, RL Deal, PE Hennon, MS Wipfli
A biological risk assessment for an Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) invasion in Alaskan waters
J Piccolo, EH Orlikowska
Aquatic Invasions 7 (2), 259-270, 2012
Hit or miss? Evaluating the effectiveness of Natura 2000 for conservation of forest bird habitat in Sweden
EH Orlikowska, J Svensson, JM Roberge, M Blicharska, G Mikusiński
Global Ecology and Conservation 22, e00939, 2020
Survival and growth of planted yellow-cedar seedlings and rooted cuttings (stecklings) near Ketchikan, Alaska
PE Hennon, MH McClellan, SR Spores, EH Orlikowska
Western Journal of Applied Forestry 24 (3), 144-150, 2009
Compatible management of red alder-conifer ecosystems in southeastern Alaska
MS Wipfli, RL Deal, PE Hennon, AC Johnson, RT Edwards, TLD Santo, ...
Compatible Forest Management, 55-81, 2003
Relations between red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) and understory vegetation in a gradient of mixed hardwood-conifer, young growth forest
Can J For Res 36, 738-748, 2006
Elucidating human–nature connectedness in three EU countries: A pro‐environmental behaviour perspective
G Mikusiński, M Elbakidze, EH Orlikowska, IG Skaltsa, M Żmihorski, ...
People and Nature 5 (5), 1577-1591, 2023
Proceedings from the Wood Compatibility Initiative Workshop, number 13. DEVELOPMENT OF MIXED RED ALDER-CONIFER STANDS IN SOUTHEAST ALASKA
RL Deal, EH Orlikowska
General Technical Report PNW-GTR, 127, 2002
Toward an equitable future for all species
H Kopnina, E Crist, J Gray, K Nowak, J Piccolo, E Orlikowska, D DellaSala, ...
Sustainability Community. Springer Nature. https://sustainabilitycomm u nity …, 2020
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