Barnabás Csőke
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Zitiert von
Control of geopolymer properties by grinding of land filled fly ash
G Mucsi, S Kumar, B Csőke, R Kumar, Z Molnár, Á Rácz, F Mádai, ...
International Journal of Mineral Processing 143, 50-58, 2015
Preparation of clean coal by flotation following ultra fine liberation
L Bokanyi, B Csöke
Applied Energy 74 (3-4), 349-358, 2003
Application of the product related stress model for product dispersity control in dry stirred media milling
Á Rácz, B Csőke
International Journal of Mineral Processing 157, 28-35, 2016
Physical characteristics and technology of glass foam from waste cathode ray tube glass
G Mucsi, B Csőke, M Kertész, L Hoffmann
Journal of Materials 2013 (1), 696428, 2013
Improved preparation of the Greek diasporic bauxite for Bayer-process
D Papanastassiou, B Csoke, K Solymar
Compressibility and flow properties of a cohesive limestone powder in a medium pressure range
L Grossmann, J Tomas, B Csőke
Granular Matter 6, 103-109, 2004
Grindability characteristics of lateritic and karst bauxites
G Mucsi, B Csőke, K Solymár
International journal of mineral processing 100 (3-4), 96-103, 2011
Optimization of stone-quarry technologies
B Csöke, S Pethö, J Földesi, L Mészáros
International Journal of Mineral Processing 44, 447-459, 1996
Determination of the Bond work index of binary mixtures by different methods
B Csőke, Á Rácz, G Mucsi
International Journal of Mineral Processing 123, 78-86, 2013
Selective grindability of lignites and their application for producing an advanced fuel
B Csöke, L Bokányi, J Bõhm, S Pethö
Applied Energy 74 (3-4), 359-368, 2003
Investigation of grindability of diasporic bauxites in dry, aqueous and alkaline media as well as after high pressure crushing
B Csõke, Z Hatvani, D Papanastassiou, K Solymár
International Journal of Mineral Processing 74, S123-S128, 2004
Developing the combined magnetic, electric and air flow (KLME) separator for RMSW processing
J Faitli, B Csőke, R Romenda, Z Nagy, S Németh
Waste Management & Research 36 (9), 779-787, 2018
Power plant fly ash as a valuable raw material
G Mucsi, B Csőke
Geosciences and Engineering 1 (1), 223-236, 2012
Mechanical activation of lignite fly ash and brown coal fly ash and their use as constituents in binders
G Mucsi, B Csőke, A Gál, M Szabó
Cement International 7 (4), 76-85, 2009
Volume based closed-cycle Hardgrove grindability method
G Mucsi, Á Rácz, G Mag, G Antal, B Csőke
Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik 34 (4), 2019
Modifying the hydraulic activity of power station fly ash by grinding
B Csőke, G Mucsi, L Opoczky, V Gável
Cement International 5 (6), 86-93, 2007
Alkáli aktivált pernyealapú kötőanyag vizsgálata
G Mucsi, B Csőke, Z Molnár
Effect of the milling parameters on the product dispersity and energy consumption in a continuous dry air-transported stirred media mill
LT Ádám Rácz, I Gombkötő, B Csőke, J Faitli
Determination of radial pressure distribution on the wall of the press channel of a novel biomass single die pelletiser
QV Trinh, S Nagy, J Faitli, B Csőke
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 78, 1075-1086, 2020
Coals and biomass as active materials for permeable reactive barriers
J Lakatos, I Szabó, B Csőke, CE Snape
Anyagmérnöki Tudományok, Miskolc 33, 13-22, 2007
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