Christian Tudorache
Christian Tudorache
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A comparison of swimming capacity and energy use in seven European freshwater fish species
C Tudorache, P Viaene, R Blust, H Vereecken, G De Boeck
Ecology of freshwater fish 17 (2), 284-291, 2008
Polystyrene nanoplastics disrupt glucose metabolism and cortisol levels with a possible link to behavioural changes in larval zebrafish
NR Brun, P Van Hage, ER Hunting, APG Haramis, SC Vink, MG Vijver, ...
Communications Biology 2 (1), 382, 2019
Establishing zebrafish as a novel exercise model: swimming economy, swimming-enhanced growth and muscle growth marker gene expression
AP Palstra, C Tudorache, M Rovira, SA Brittijn, E Burgerhout, ...
PLoS One 5 (12), e14483, 2010
Longer flumes increase critical swimming speeds by increasing burst–glide swimming duration in carp Cyprinus carpio, L.
C Tudorache, P Viaenen, R Blust, G De Boeck
Journal of fish biology 71 (6), 1630-1638, 2007
Conservation physiology of animal migration
RJ Lennox, JM Chapman, CM Souliere, C Tudorache, M Wikelski, ...
Conservation Physiology 4 (1), cov072, 2016
Partition of aerobic and anaerobic swimming costs related to gait transitions in a labriform swimmer
JC Svendsen, C Tudorache, AD Jordan, JF Steffensen, K Aarestrup, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (13), 2177-2183, 2010
Recent advances in telemetry for estimating the energy metabolism of wild fishes
JD Metcalfe, S Wright, C Tudorache, RP Wilson
Journal of Fish Biology 88 (1), 284-297, 2016
Author copy only
C Tudorache, MJ Schaaf, H Slabbekoorn
J. Endocrinol 219, 251-258, 2013
Diet of intraguild predators affects antipredator behavior in intraguild prey
S Magalhaes, C Tudorache, M Montserrat, R van Maanen, MW Sabelis, ...
Behavioral Ecology 16 (2), 364-370, 2005
Pop up satellite tags impair swimming performance and energetics of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
C Methling, C Tudorache, PV Skov, JF Steffensen
PLoS one 6 (6), e20797, 2011
Behavioral changes in response to sound exposure and no spatial avoidance of noisy conditions in captive zebrafish
YY Neo, L Parie, F Bakker, P Snelderwaard, C Tudorache, M Schaaf, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 9, 28, 2015
Swimming capacity and energetics of migrating and non‐migrating morphs of three‐spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus L. and their ecological implications
C Tudorache, R Blust, G De Boeck
Journal of Fish Biology 71 (5), 1448-1456, 2007
Schooling reduces energy consumption in swimming male European eels, Anguilla anguilla L.
E Burgerhout, C Tudorache, SA Brittijn, AP Palstra, RP Dirks, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 448, 66-71, 2013
Behavioral and physiological indicators of stress coping styles in larval zebrafish
C Tudorache, A ter Braake, M Tromp, H Slabbekoorn, MJM Schaaf
Stress 18 (1), 121-128, 2015
Hormonal and ion regulatory response in three freshwater fish species following waterborne copper exposure
M Eyckmans, C Tudorache, VM Darras, R Blust, G De Boeck
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2010
Optimal swimming speeds reflect preferred swimming speeds of brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill, 1874)
C Tudorache, RA O’Keefe, TJ Benfey
Fish physiology and biochemistry 37, 307-315, 2011
Evaluation of passive integrated transponder tags for marking the bullhead (Cottus gobio), a small benthic freshwater fish: effects on survival, growth and swimming …
G Knaepkens, E Maerten, C Tudorache, G De Boeck, M Eens
Ecology of Freshwater fish 16 (3), 404-409, 2007
Forced and preferred swimming speeds of fish: a methodological approach
C Tudorache, G De Boeck, G Claireaux
Swimming Physiology of Fish: Towards Using Exercise to Farm a Fit Fish in …, 2013
Social interactions, predation behaviour and fast start performance are affected by ammonia exposure in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.)
C Tudorache, R Blust, G De Boeck
Aquatic Toxicology 90 (2), 145-153, 2008
Biological clock function is linked to proactive and reactive personality types
C Tudorache, H Slabbekoorn, Y Robbers, E Hin, JH Meijer, HP Spaink, ...
BMC biology 16, 1-13, 2018
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