MSJ Wickham
MSJ Wickham
Head of Nutrition, Leatherhead Food Research
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A standardised static in vitro digestion method suitable for food–an international consensus
M Minekus, M Alminger, P Alvito, S Ballance, T Bohn, C Bourlieu, ...
Food & function 5 (6), 1113-1124, 2014
INFOGEST static in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal food digestion
A Brodkorb, L Egger, M Alminger, P Alvito, R Assunção, S Ballance, ...
Nature protocols 14 (4), 991-1014, 2019
In vitro digestion methods for assessing the effect of food structure on allergen breakdown
M Wickham, R Faulks, C Mills
Molecular nutrition & food research 53 (8), 952-958, 2009
Comparative resistance of food proteins to adult and infant in vitro digestion models
D Dupont, G Mandalari, D Molle, J Jardin, J Léonil, RM Faulks, ...
Molecular nutrition & food research 54 (6), 767-780, 2010
Characterization of polyphenols, lipids and dietary fibre from almond skins (Amygdalus communis L.)
G Mandalari, A Tomaino, T Arcoraci, M Martorana, VL Turco, F Cacciola, ...
Journal of Food composition and analysis 23 (2), 166-174, 2010
Release of protein, lipid, and vitamin E from almond seeds during digestion
G Mandalari, RM Faulks, GT Rich, V Lo Turco, DR Picout, RB Lo Curto, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (9), 3409-3416, 2008
Potential Prebiotic Properties of Almond (Amygdalus communis L.) Seeds
G Mandalari, C Nueno-Palop, G Bisignano, MSJ Wickham, A Narbad
Applied and environmental microbiology 74 (14), 4264-4270, 2008
Stability of the major allergen Brazil nut 2S albumin (Ber e 1) to physiologically relevant in vitro gastrointestinal digestion
FJ Moreno, FA Mellon, MSJ Wickham, AR Bottrill, ENC Mills
The FEBS journal 272 (2), 341-352, 2005
Enhancement of intragastric acid stability of a fat emulsion meal delays gastric emptying and increases cholecystokinin release and gallbladder contraction
L Marciani, M Wickham, G Singh, D Bush, B Pick, E Cox, A Fillery-Travis, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 292 (6 …, 2007
Modification of a phospholipid stabilized emulsion interface by bile salt: effect on pancreatic lipase activity
M Wickham, M Garrood, J Leney, PDG Wilson, A Fillery-Travis
Journal of Lipid Research 39 (3), 623-632, 1998
In vitro digestibility of β-casein and β-lactoglobulin under simulated human gastric and duodenal conditions: A multi-laboratory evaluation
G Mandalari, K Adel-Patient, V Barkholt, C Baro, L Bennett, M Bublin, ...
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 55 (3), 372-381, 2009
Effect of intragastric acid stability of fat emulsions on gastric emptying, plasma lipid profile and postprandial satiety
L Marciani, R Faulks, MSJ Wickham, D Bush, B Pick, J Wright, EF Cox, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 101 (6), 919-928, 2008
Achieving antral grinding forces in biorelevant in vitro models: comparing the USP dissolution apparatus II and the dynamic gastric model with human in vivo data
M Vardakou, A Mercuri, SA Barker, DQM Craig, RM Faulks, MSJ Wickham
Aaps Pharmscitech 12, 620-626, 2011
Modulating pancreatic lipase activity with galactolipids: effects of emulsion interfacial composition
BS Chu, GT Rich, MJ Ridout, RM Faulks, MSJ Wickham, PJ Wilde
Langmuir 25 (16), 9352-9360, 2009
Antimicrobial potential of polyphenols extracted from almond skins
G Mandalari, C Bisignano, M D’Arrigo, G Ginestra, A Arena, A Tomaino, ...
Letters in applied microbiology 51 (1), 83-89, 2010
The secretion and action of brush border enzymes in the mammalian small intestine
D Hooton, R Lentle, J Monro, M Wickham, R Simpson
Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology, 59-118, 2015
The design, operation, and application of a dynamic gastric model
MJS Wickham, RM Faulks, J Mann, G Mandalari
Dissolution Technol 19 (3), 15-22, 2012
Survival of probiotic lactobacilli in the upper gastrointestinal tract using an in vitro gastric model of digestion
AL Curto, I Pitino, G Mandalari, JR Dainty, RM Faulks, MSJ Wickham
Food microbiology 28 (7), 1359-1366, 2011
Physiological phosphatidylcholine protects bovine β‐lactoglobulin from simulated gastrointestinal proteolysis
G Mandalari, AM Mackie, NM Rigby, MSJ Wickham, ENC Mills
Molecular nutrition & food research 53 (S1), S131-S139, 2009
In vitro evaluation of the prebiotic properties of almond skins (Amygdalus communis L.)
G Mandalari, RM Faulks, C Bisignano, KW Waldron, A Narbad, ...
FEMS microbiology letters 304 (2), 116-122, 2010
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