Gwanggil Jeon
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Feedback network for image super-resolution
Z Li, J Yang, Z Liu, X Yang, G Jeon, W Wu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
From artificial intelligence to explainable artificial intelligence in industry 4.0: a survey on what, how, and where
I Ahmed, G Jeon, F Piccialli
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (8), 5031-5042, 2022
Deep learning in big data analytics: a comparative study
B Jan, H Farman, M Khan, M Imran, IU Islam, A Ahmad, S Ali, G Jeon
Computers & Electrical Engineering 75, 275-287, 2019
A deep learning-based social distance monitoring framework for COVID-19
I Ahmed, M Ahmad, JJPC Rodrigues, G Jeon, S Din
Sustainable cities and society 65, 102571, 2021
SEDRFuse: A symmetric encoder–decoder with residual block network for infrared and visible image fusion
L Jian, X Yang, Z Liu, G Jeon, M Gao, D Chisholm
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-15, 2020
Wireless communication technologies for IoT in 5G: Vision, applications, and challenges
QV Khanh, NV Hoai, LD Manh, AN Le, G Jeon
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 (1), 3229294, 2022
Smart Home Energy Management Systems in Internet of Things networks for green cities demands and services
MS Aliero, KN Qureshi, MF Pasha, G Jeon
Environmental Technology & Innovation 22, 101443, 2021
A blockchain‐and artificial intelligence‐enabled smart IoT framework for sustainable city
I Ahmed, Y Zhang, G Jeon, W Lin, MR Khosravi, L Qi
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 37 (9), 6493-6507, 2022
Internet of vehicles: Key technologies, network model, solutions and challenges with future aspects
KN Qureshi, S Din, G Jeon, F Piccialli
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (3), 1777-1786, 2020
A framework for pandemic prediction using big data analytics
I Ahmed, M Ahmad, G Jeon, F Piccialli
Big Data Research 25, 100190, 2021
IoT-based big data: From smart city towards next generation super city planning
MM Rathore, A Paul, A Ahmad, G Jeon
Securing the Internet of Things: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2020
Least-squares luma–chroma demultiplexing algorithm for Bayer demosaicking
B Leung, G Jeon, E Dubois
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 20 (7), 1885-1894, 2011
A deep-learning-based smart healthcare system for patient’s discomfort detection at the edge of internet of things
I Ahmed, G Jeon, F Piccialli
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (13), 10318-10326, 2021
A novel and secure attacks detection framework for smart cities industrial internet of things
KN Qureshi, SS Rana, A Ahmed, G Jeon
Sustainable Cities and Society 61, 102343, 2020
Edge computing for IoT-enabled smart grid: The future of energy
QN Minh, VH Nguyen, VK Quy, LA Ngoc, A Chehri, G Jeon
Energies 15 (17), 6140, 2022
Link quality and energy utilization based preferable next hop selection routing for wireless body area networks
KN Qureshi, S Din, G Jeon, F Piccialli
Computer Communications 149, 382-392, 2020
Coupled GAN with relativistic discriminators for infrared and visible images fusion
Q Li, L Lu, Z Li, W Wu, Z Liu, G Jeon, X Yang
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (6), 7458-7467, 2019
Toward modeling and optimization of features selection in Big Data based social Internet of Things
A Ahmad, M Khan, A Paul, S Din, MM Rathore, G Jeon, GS Choi
Future Generation Computer Systems 82, 715-726, 2018
An accurate and dynamic predictive model for a smart M-Health system using machine learning
KN Qureshi, S Din, G Jeon, F Piccialli
Information Sciences 538, 486-502, 2020
An IoT-based deep learning framework for early assessment of COVID-19
I Ahmed, A Ahmad, G Jeon
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (21), 15855-15862, 2020
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